chapter 27

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"I rarely see you these days what's popping?" Jeongin hugged Chan." Nothing. Just old usual shit." Chan said and Jeongin nodded.

"Where's Seungmin ?" Chan asked." Oh he's at home." Jeongin said." Is he fine?" Chan asked worriedly." Yeah he'll be fine. Just a little bit down due to the weather. You know how sensitive omegas are." Jeongin said and Chan nodded.

Chan wondered if he would be that sensitive too once his body fully developed into an omega's." Is it just me or you're a bit different?" Jeongin said.

"What are you on about?" Chan asked and sat down while they waited for the lecturer." Your face, your scent, your body." Jeongin said." Can you be more specific?" Chan squinted his eyes.

Chan was wondering what Jeongin was talking about because he couldn't see the difference." Your scent is stronger than usual. I know it is mixed with Minho hyung's scent but it is also different." Jeongin said and Chan nodded slowly.

"You look like you gained a bit of weight and you're a bit curvy if I may say so myself. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were a beta." Jeongin continued and Chan nodded again.

"And your face is different too. It's like you're a bit chubby. No homo but you look more beautiful than before. You were handsome before but now you're beautiful." Jeongin furrowed his brows.

"Can we grab lunch today?" Chan said." Don't tell me you've been thinking about food all this time." Jeongin said and Chan shook his head. " I just want to catch up with you." Chan said and Jeongin nodded.

The lecturer soon arrived and started with the lesson. The lesson was quiet interesting for Chan but Jeongin's eyes was fixed on Chan. He wanted to know why he looked so different.

His eyes landed on Chan's neck and saw some hickeys." Chan hyung!!!" Jeongin whisper shouted and Chan looked at him." What is it?" Chan whispered.

"Are those hickeys I'm seeing?" Jeongin snorted and Chan hurriedly pulled the ropes of his hoodie and tied them with wide eyes.

"Just leave me alone." Chan swatted Jeongin's arms away and Jeongin laughed lightly at his hyung's outburst." Don't tell me you already did it!" Jeongin said and Chan's face turned red.

He asked one of the alpha boy beside him called Ryan to swap seats so he wouldn't be with Jeongin and he agreed. Jeongin pouted and Chan shook his head to indicate that his antics wouldn't work today.

Chan sat down and his mind went to yesterday's events. His heart raced and his belly filled with butterflies as he remembered whatever happened. It was exactly the same way Minho had described back then.

The praises, compliments and forehead kissed he received from Minho. The slow and gentle yet deep thrusts that connected them into one being  like their intertwined fingers. The passion that burned between them as Minho held him close.

The sensual groans that his mate made made him blush. The way they ended their love making by marking each other and then his mate proceeding to give him aftercare. His mate was simply perfection.

Just then Chan's phone vibrated and he checked to see who it was.

Minnie 🥺 ❤️

I hope you still remember that we can mindlink my love😏

Channie 🐺❤️

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