chapter 24

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The week had passed by pretty quickly and it was the day of the appointment.

The week had been a long one for Minho and Chan. They often fought because Chan would hide his real feelings and lie to Minho but it always  came down to their make outs and Chan promising not to do that again only to do it again.

"Channie relax. Anything you choose will workout just fine and I'm here for you." Minho reassured softly as they were preparing themselves to go to the hospital.

"What if I end up regretting my choice?" Chan whispered." I won't let you regret it baby." Minho hugged Chan and kissed his cheek. Minho slowly turned to look at his mate.

"You're so beautiful my love." Minho praised and Chan blushed profusely." Thank you." Chan whispered shyly." You know this habit of yours will land you between the wall and me one of the good days." Minho groaned and Chan giggled.

"Minho" Chan breathed as soon as Minho's hot tongue met with his jawline. Chan's knees became wobbly and Minho held him tightly when he felt his weight falling onto him.

"Min-Minho, you'll l-leave marks." Chan moaned softly. Minho pecked Chan's lips and waited for him to catch his breath. He smiled at himself loving the way Chan reacted to his touch.

He wondered what will happen when Chan chooses to be an alpha. Obviously they would fight trying to assert dominance over one another but as long as Chan loved him and only him then he didn't care who dominated who.

Chan and Minho went to the hospital both battling anxiety. Chan kept fumbling with the buttons of his denim jacket and Minho's eyes couldn't focus on the road as he was anxious too.

He wondered if the medicine Chan will take wouldn't affect him badly. Will Chan not regret his choice? Will Chan be fine? There were so many thoughts running in his mind.

Before long they arrived and went to the appointment room." Welcome again. Nice to see you fit and healthy." Jessi the doctor smiled at them and they returned the smiles.

"So without any further ado let's begin. I know this will be a drastic change for you and you're advised to seek counseling if you feel the need to." Jessi said calmly.

"Okay." Chan said shakily and Minho took his hand into his. Chan became anxious and tapped his foot on the ground." Do you need me to step out?" Minho asked and Chan shook his head.

"Okay. Now the question is which wolf gender do you choose?' Jessi asked softly as she understood that it would bring a drastic change to the young boy's life.

Time seemed to have stopped for the both of them and Minho kissed Chan's hand."I want to be an omega." Chan whispered and Minho looked at him with his eyes open wide.

There was something wrong. Ain't no way would Chan want to be an omega according to Minho's mind. He had to ask him what was wrong before he started his medication.

"Okay then. I will find the right medication for you and you'll start taking it. But right now I need to tell you about the side effects of that medication so you can see if you made the right choice." Jessi smiled and the two nodded.

"Firstly your heat may come more often than that of other omegas because you're starting your journey as an omega later than others." Jessi looked at Chan and he nodded.

Alphas can't mate(Minchan)Where stories live. Discover now