chapter 5

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Chan went to school the next morning after staying with his mother a bit. He was so tired and was thankful that Jisoo had decided to cook breakfast for him even though he didn't eat.

Jisoo was like a mother to Chan and Chan appreciated that she treated him like a son. He strolled slowly to school in the chilly weather. He was wearing some sweatpants and a sweater and some sneakers. He put on a beanie and a mask.

"Hyung are you fine? You don't look so well and your scent is off." Jeongin said right after Chan sat down.

" Yeah. Don't worry Innie. I'll be fine." Chan patted Jeongin's shoulder and Jeongin nodded.

"It's been long since I saw aunty. Can I come today to see her?" Jeongin smiled at Chan." Sure. Wait for me after class." Chan ruffled Jeongin's hair and smiled at him.

Seungmin joined a bit later and he walked to Jeongin and Chan with red ears after the teacher congratulated him for coming late to class." Why didn't you wait for me? Look now I was embarrassed in front of the whole class." Seungmin poked Jeongin's chest.

Jeongin shushed him as he saw that the lecturer was staring at them. The lecturer started with the lesson and everyone was fully focused while taking some notes. Chan's mind was wandering around his thoughts. He wondered what would happen if his mom died.

Honestly Chan had lost hope when his mother hit the third month in a coma but at least her body would deceive him and think that she would come back soon but now he realized that his mother was really gone.

He wondered where his father was. His father was never a fan of him from day one. So now if his mother died then he was sure that his father would come back and take everything away from him. He had to be ready for anything and everything.

At least he still got money from recording and he still had some recording deals going on. He hadn't yet paid for the upcoming end of semester exams. It was all so frustrating and overwhelming for Chan.

Even though it hurt to think about it he was thankful that he had paid his mother's insurance so if his mother happened to die then he wouldn't bear the costs of the funeral.

His life was a total mess; his sick mother who could pass away anytime, his father who never loved him, his alpha mate.

It was a lot for Chan to take in. Before he knew it class ended and everyone went their ways. He caught up to Jeongin and Seungmin and the three of them went to Chan's house. Jisoo welcomed them and they went up to Mrs Bang's room.

Jeongin and Seungmin changed the flowers in the vase and they stayed there telling her some stories about what has been going in on their lives. Chan looked at his friends fondly as they held his mother's hands.

He quickly went to the kitchen and made them some juice and biscuits. They hung out in Chan's room chatting a bit. Chan was busy with some of his assignments when he heard a knock. Seungmin went to check who was the door.

"Oh hyung!" Seungmin exclaimed. Chan figured that Hongjoong might have come. Before he could entertain that thought he smelled that familiar scent." Hi. Is Chan hyung here?" Minho asked and Seungmin nodded. Chan just wanted to hide and run.

'Our mate is here. Yay!!' Wolfchan squealed and Chan sighed in annoyance. If wolves could be traded then he would've traded his.

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