chapter 25

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The Saturday morning was a blessing for Chan and he couldn't be any less relieved that there was no school today.

The chilly weather made his bed look extra attractive and extra alluring. He had to go to the studio to finish some recordings but somehow he found himself saying just an extra five minutes.

"Channie I have to help mom with something. I probably will see you in the evening." Minho said.

Chan turned to look at Minho. Minho brushed the few stray hairs out of his face and caressed his cheek lovingly.

"Do you have to go? Anyway it's probably important." Chan said thoughtfully." I promise I'll be back in the evening." Minho kissed his forehead and Chan nodded.

"Okay I'll go prepare myself now." Minho got out of bed. He went to take a quick shower and went back to prepare himself.

"I've set the alarm on your phone for your medication time." Minho said as he wore his shirt and Chan nodded. He wasn't even listening as he was looking at Minho's chest.

"I'll call you just in case you forgot to take your medication." Minho tucked his shirt and wore his belt. It wasn't the first time Chan had ever seen Minho wearing a formal attire but he still wondered how he was so perfect.

Chan drooled at the sight of his mate and unknowingly his scent became sweeter." Chan did anything happen?" Minho got him out of his train of thoughts.

Chan shook his head with a blush. Minho ignored the red tint surrounding Chan's cheeks." What do you want to eat?" Chan asked as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Nothing. I'm already late as it is. I'll just grab something on my way." Minho brushed his hair and Chan nodded. Chan went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before going to make himself some cereal.

He sat on the couch as he waited for Minho finish getting ready. Minho came in some time after looking like a Japanese mafia with his black formal clothing and Chan's excitement grew again.

"Your scent is getting sweeter my love. What is it?" Minho pulled Chan lightly by the waist and Chan blushed." You look handsome and you smell nice." Chan said shyly as he smelled Minho right on his neck.

"Is my pretty omega affected by my scent. What an honor." Minho joked around and Chan nodded slowly while biting his bottom lip.

"You know you can always smell me or ask me to scent you right?" Chan nodded." Okay I have to go now. Please take care of yourself and take your medicine." Minho smiled at Chan.

Minho swiftly kissed Chan and Chan relished the taste of Minho's lips. Chan's hands settled on Minho's chest while their kiss deepened and Chan's scent became even sweeter.

Minho finally pulled out when he realized that if he didn't go out he would probably never leave." I'll see you later sweet things." Minho ignored the sweet scent.

"Please come home soon." Chan said and Minho's eyes widened." Home?" Minho smiled with amusement." If you're not there it becomes just a house." Chan whispered with a blush.

"I'll come soon my love. Take care." Minho pecked Chan's lips and ruffled his hair before he went out.

Minho went with his head full of thoughts about their relationship. Just the way the morning events unfolded screamed that he and Chan were meant to be.

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