chapter 26

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Chan and Minho kept lazing around the whole day not really doing anything. They had went to the cafe to get some coffee, to the shops to get some grocery but the day seemed to move slowly.

Finally they reached home and they unloaded the grocery. They just left it in the kitchen and changed into some shorts and t shirts.

Chan was about to sit on the bed next to Minho when Minho pulled him into his lap." What's wrong Minnie?" Chan asked." That alpha boy at the mall, what's the deal with him?" Minho furrowed his brows.

"He was just helping me out." Chan laughed at Minho's jealousy." Chan I'm being serious here and you're laughing." Chan stopped laughing immediately.

"Can't you see that he was trying to flirt with you? Besides why didn't you call me to help you?" Minho asked and Chan looked at him not really believing that Minho was so riled up by such a small thing.

"Minho are you really mad at me for that?" Chan asked." I'm not mad at you. I just need you to understand that I don't like it when another man touches or takes care of what's mine. You're giving him my place." Minho said with frustration.

"But you were on the other side Minnie and I didn't want to disturb you." Chan said softly." Even if I'm far my priority is you. By taking another man's help I feel like you don't need me or I don't take care of you enough." Minho said with frustration.

"Chan you don't understand. As alphas our identity lies on being needed by our mates and taking care of them.

It makes me feel useless and jealous when you take another person's help. Especially an alpha's help. I begin to think that he's better than me." Minho said sadly.

"Is it because we haven't yet mated and you haven't marked me? Do you think I'll leave you for another alpha?" Chan asked softly and Minho shook his head.

To some point the both of them knew that it was because of that but they didn't want to address that." I'm sorry Minnie. I promise I didn't want to hurt you and I honestly didn't see that he was trying to flirt with me." Chan said quietly.

"I only belong to you and nobody else. Please calm down. I don't like it when you're mad at me." Chan pleaded quietly and pecked Minho's lips. Minho just sighed and didn't say anything.

"I'm not angry at you my love, I promise. Now rest up I'm going for a run." Minho said calmly and Chan shook his head." What is it Channie?" Minho asked.

"You're not going anywhere." Chan adjusted his seating position and straddled Minho." And why is that?" Minho asked curiously." Because I don't want you to." Chan hugged Minho before slowly grinding on him.

"You're not answering me Chan." Minho groaned and held Chan's waist tightly." Because today we finalize everything." Chan's breathless voice came out." I want that slow, gentle and passionate love making you were talking about." Chan moaned softly into Minho's ear.

Minho felt all his blood flowing south and he groaned at Chan's words." Channie you don't have to do this because of what happened." Minho said.

Chan smiled because Minho was doing the very opposite of what he said. Instead of stopping him he was helping him to grind harder on him and his bulge grew rapidly under him.

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