chapter 30

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"Come on Minho. I already said sorry then why're you mad at me?" Chan whined." Chan please don't." Minho said and Chan pouted.

There was no Channie, no baby, no my love and no pretty. It was just a plain blank Chan.

The two had been at loggerheads since the previous day because Chan hadn't called Minho to pick him up.

Chan went over to Minho and sat on his lap sideways." Minho you said you wouldn't give me silent treatment." Chan said quietly.

"When have I given you one my love? Am I not talking to you right now?" Minho looked at Chan who was fiddling with his fingers.

" You are but it looks like you're forced. I don't want you to talk to me out of compulsion." Chan said.

"Come here Channie. I'm sorry it's just that sometimes I ask myself why I think I can plan our future when I don't understand you enough." Minho sighed and pulled him closer.

"I'm sorry Minho. Maybe I just have a communication problem. But I don't intend to make you feel bad or be doubtful about your capabilities as an alpha and as my mate." Chan bit his lower lip.

"It's okay. Get up I need to get to school." Minho said." I can't. I missed you." Chan shook his head and straddled Minho.

"I missed you too baby but I have to go to school." Minho tried again." No. It's not like you'll be absent for a whole week. Just one day." Chan pouted.

"Okay fine. Get off I can't be home with jeans and combat boots." Minho chuckled at Chan's clinginess." In fact no, you go and dress up." Minho patted Chan's head.

After a whole ten minutes of arguing Chan finally decided to change his clothes. He came back groaning and whining that he wanted to sleep.

Minho ignored his complaints and dragged him to the car. Chan kept on complaining throughout the journey and eventually he fell asleep in the car.

"Channie wake up." Minho shook Chan gently and Chan woke up. Minho finger combed Chan's hair and fixed his clothes as Chan was still sleepy.

"A restaurant?" Chan smiled sleepily." Mhhmm if you don't like it then you can tell me where you want to go and I'll take you." Minho smiled at him.

" I want to go to a hotel and spend the night with my stupid sweet alpha." Chan joked around while hugging Minho and taking in his scent." Noted." Minho laughed

The two joined hands as they got into the restaurant. Minho ordered food for the both of them and they ate while throwing in some words here and there.

"Come on you can go. I'll pay and come." Minho said." That fast?" Chan asked." Are you planning to stay here? It's evening already." Minho sassed.

" Okay. Finally I'm gonna sleep." Chan put his hands together excitedly as he went out the restaurant. Minho shook his head as he called the waiter who soon arrived and he paid.

"Now to our resting place." Chan said." You speak as if you're going to the graveyards. You're just going to laze around." Minho rolled his eyes as he focused on the road.

"Hey aren't we going home?" Chan whined." No. We're going to an even better place." Minho flashed his dazzling smile." Seonghwa was right. You actually do look like a bunny." Chan laughed.

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