chapter 21

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"Chan wake up we have to go to the hospital." Minho gently shook Chan. Chan groaned and turned to look at the other direction not interested in Minho's ruckus.

"Why are you here?" Chan smoothed out his bed hair." I knew you wouldn't wake up and I was right." Minho shook his head." And why am I waking up this early?" Chan rasped out and Minho shook his head in disbelief.

It was only yesterday evening that they discussed about going to the hospital and already Chan didn't know why he was waking up early on a Saturday.

"We're supposed to go to the doctor today." Minho sighed." Are you fine?" Chan asked worriedly and Minho furrowed his brows.

" I should be asking you that. We're going to get you checked. Now go and bath before you dissociate further from reality." Minho pulled Chan from the bed.

Chan quickly showered and came out wearing some baggy cargo pants and a baggy tee along with some sneakers." You look like you're going to a dance practice." Minho said.

"I'm with a dance teacher so obviously I have to always be in a dance mode." Chan did a dougie followed by a woah and a bodyroll and Minho went feral.

"I swear next time you do a body roll around me I'm so putting a ring on your finger." Minho said and Chan laughed as he sat down. Chan made himself some cereal and ate quietly as anxiety was starting to kick in.

"Chan I'm here with you. Nothing will go wrong." Minho said and Chan nodded." Come here." Minho said and Chan went over to him and sat down beside him.

Minho hugged him and released calming pheromones. Chan inhaled Minho's scent and his anxiety subsided." Do you want to go with mom? Maybe having her will make it easier for you." Minho asked gently.

"No. You're fine." Chan said and Minho nodded. The two stayed in each other's embrace for a while before departing.

The two got to the hospital after a while and went to the reception where they were directed to their appointment room. They boarded the lift as they went there and Chan's anxiety was still up.

Minho hugged him and kissed his forehead in reassurance. Chan smiled at his mate's attempt to calm him down. He calmed down a bit and they got inside the consultation room. Chan refused to get into the consultation room alone so Minho went with him.

"Hello my name is Dr. Jessi and I'll be your doctor for today. How may I help you?" The said doctor smiled at the two boys in front of him.

Chan tried to speak but the anxiety was a lot and he ended up just looking at the doctor not saying anything." I think he's anxious? Can you try to calm him down first. I'll be waiting for you here." The doctor said.

"I'm sorry". Chan whispered as soon as they went outside. Minho patted his lap and Chan obeyed. Minho gently pulled him into the hug and Chan cried softly.

"I can't do this Minho. I'm scared of telling her. What if she judges me?" Chan whimpered softly." She has seen worse baby. She's a doctor after all and she's trained to deal with situations like these." Minho comforted gently.

" I wanna go home." Chan shook his head." Let's do this. We can ask her to take the blood for necessary tests and then when you're ready we can come back for the results and we'll consult then." Minho suggested and Chan nodded against his shoulder.

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