chapter 39

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"Channie I'm going to work." Minho said as he brushed his hair and left it all curly. Chan was still asleep as he came back from the studio late and he hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep.

"What?" He asked groggily as he peeked from the blankets. Only his eyes were out and the rest of his body was covered by the blanket.

"I'm going to work and I might return late." Minho squatted in front of Chan's bed looking at him." Okay." Chan nodded." Okay? Not even a goodbye kiss?" Minho asked.

"Morning breath." Chan shook his head." What gross thing haven't we already done? Besides it wouldn't be the first time." Minho chuckled.

"But it's not comfortable for me Minho." Chan said and Minho nodded." Can I kiss your forehead then?" Chan nodded even though he was feeling kind of guilty.

Chan removed the blankets and Minho kissed his forehead." I won't ever force you to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with okay?" Minho said softly while caressing Chan's cheek and Chan nodded.

"I'll see you later my love." Minho smiled before going out. Chan reluctantly prepared himself for the results. Chan had took Jeongin's advice and applied for being a producer at one of the big agencies in the country.

He sighed as he ate breakfast alone. He shakily took the laptop and checked the results. After deciding that breathing exercises wouldn't help him know the results he opened the email.

His heart stopped momentarily when he read the message. Unfortunately he hadn't passed. He closed the laptop and put it away with a sigh.

"Will Minho even love me after this? I mean his first mate is back and now my application couldn't make it through." He said sadly.

'You're getting worried for no reason. I know our mate pretty well. He'll never leave us.' Wolfchan said softly and Chan nodded.

"But think about it Channie, his first mate is a girl. We know that heterosexual relationships are given respect and he's the heir to one of the richest companies. He's handsome and he's an alpha too. He'll surely replace me in a short amount of time." Chan didn't even know he was crying.

'It's okay Chan. Not everything you do will be perfect and he understands that. Besides our mate loves us a lot, he would never even think about leaving us. So please calm down and don't let intrusive thoughts get to you.' Wolfchan said.

Chan nodded and paced around the house nervously. Time seemed to be moving faster than usual and he wondered how Minho would react when he heard that he didn't pass.

He couldn't imagine the humiliation he'd have to bear in front of his mate and he couldn't imagine his boyfriend replacing him right in front of his eyes with those beautiful girls that he worked with.

Chan packed his bag with tears streaming down his face and wolfchan convinced him not to do whatever he was doing.

"What are you doing?" Minho's voice startled Chan.' I can't imagine having to do the explanation. Good luck Chan.' Wolfchan said." M-Min, I don't think t-this will work." Chan  breathed.

Chan looked at the time and wondered how time flew so fast that it was already lunch time." What's not going to work my love? Calm down and tell me." Minho wiped Chan's tears.

Alphas can't mate(Minchan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora