chapter 7

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Chan left his room with his bag in his hand. He poured himself some cereal and went to check on his mother before bidding Jisoo goodbye. He was still sad because Wolfchan was still not talking to him.

He met his father downstairs and they didn't even share a single word. His father looked at him with disgust and Chan ignored it as he took his bag and went out. He was stressed. Just when one thing becomes better the other spirals out of control.

He had to find a house and move out now that his father was here. He sighed as he got into class and sat down. The lecturer was not present so he took the time to go to the studio and finish some unfinished projects.

He found Hongjoong and Seonghwa there and he greeted them before continuing with his work. Before he knew it, it was already lunchtime. He groaned as he stood up to go to the restrooms.

Seonghwa soon went out and bought the three of them food. Chan was about to protest but Seonghwa immediately shut him up and smacked his head for being ignorant. The three ate in silence, everyone on his train of thoughts.

"Do you have a partner for the dance class?" Seonghwa asked." Yeah there's this other girl. I don't even know her name." Chan laughed lightly.

"Oh ok. I'll be dancing with San." Seonghwa smiled." No please!! Y'all are going to kill the stage." Chan whined and Hongjoong laughed.

"Hey don't laugh your man dances like he's possessed." Chan laughed." But you dance well too! It's just that you get distracted easily. Maybe it's a producer thing because even Hongjoong does the same." Seonghwa said.

"How did this get to me? Anyway  if you happen to see us just hug us. We're going through a lot as producers." Hongjoong closed his eyes for added dramatic effects and they laughed.

The three men went back to their own  assignments and jobs making the time to move faster than it already was because it wasn't long before Hongjoong and Seonghwa bid Chan farewell.

Chan started trekking back home. At least it was a Friday and he was going to rest and complete all the recording throughout the weekend.

When he got home he found his father in the sitting room." I want you to get out of my house first thing tomorrow morning." His father said and Chan modded. He had expected this so it wasn't shocking but still it was hurtful.

Chan went to the shower to chase away the sleep. After showering he started looking for houses. He shortlisted the ones which were suitable for him.

He spent most of the night looking for houses and he finished the unfinished projects. The sooner he finished, the sooner he would get paid.

Chan only slept around five in the morning and by six he was already up. He went to meet with the real estate agents who showed him the houses and just when he was about to give up he found the perfect house. Affordable, near the university and had enough space considering that he'll be living alone.

The house was unreasonably cheaper than other houses and it made him quiet suspicious of the owner. But all his doubts were cleared when he found out that the house belonged to a real estate company and not a single person.

He went back to collect his belongings and he moved pretty quickly. He didn't have to buy furniture as the house already had one. Weird and suspicious , again.One thing that worried him was that his father wouldn't tell him if his mother became better or worse.

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