chapter 35

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"Wake up my love." Minho shook Chan softly." Min?" Chan looked at Minho and hugged him so he could smell his scent.

"How are you feeling baby?" Minho kissed Chan's forehead." I'm fine. I love you Min." Chan pouted." I love you too my sweet omega." Minho smiled.

"Is it bad for me to say I can never live without you anymore?" Chan asked meekly." Well the feeling is mutual my dear. I can never live without you too anymore. So it's not bad I think." Minho caressed Chan's lower back.

"You promise to never leave me?" Chan asked in a small voice." My love what's wrong? What's bothering you? Talk to me love." Minho kissed Chan's jawline.

"I don't know. I'm just scared that you'll leave me." Chan touched Minho's chest lightly." Babydoll you belong to me, I belong to you. I can never be able to live without you. And even if I was, I wouldn't want to." Minho's voice was hoarse due to the emotions bubbling furiously within him.

He couldn't understand why Chan would think that when they literally went through so much for them to be together. But maybe it was the effect of the medicines and hormones being all over the place.

"I love you so much Channie. So much that even I cannot comprehend how I can love someone that much. You're my whole life and existence." Minho brought Chan closer for a gentle kiss and Chan melted instantly as all his worries went away.

"Wanna shower together?" Minho caressed Chan's waist and Chan nodded. Minho picked Chan up as he led them to the shower.

Chan did very little to wash himself and Minho patiently and lovingly washed his omega up. He then dressed Chan after they were both done with showering.

"What do you want to eat honey?" Minho crouched down before Chan who shook his head in denial." You have to eat Channie. I promise I'll make anything you want." Minho coaxed Chan.

Chan shook his head again and he took his phone." I need to get to school. I'm already late." Chan said." Okay take your bag and I'll drop you off. Do tell me if anything happens at school okay?" Minho said gently and Chan nodded.

School surprisingly went good and Chan had made a new omega friend. A British who went by the name Alexa, but funny enough her Korean was natural and she didn't have an ounce of English looks.

Chan was so excited and asked Minho that they have lunch with her sometimes as she had also said that she would like to have lunch with them one day.


"I thought your appointment was next week." Jessi smiled as she sat down in front of Chan and Minho.

Minho had taken Chan to the hospital because he was being overly sensitive to everything. His voice, his touch, his words and even the weather.

"It was." Minho smiled. "But he's overly sensitive and it's scaring you." Jessi smiled and Minho nodded slowly wondering how Jessi knew.

"It's the last stage of this whole transition. Now his body is being fully developed into that of an omega so it will be overly sensitive." Jessi paused and the two mates nodded.

"This stage is very crucial so you have to be extra careful. Make sure you don't assert too much dominance over him or else he'll develop a fear of alphas even those close to him and you." Jessi said calmly and Minho nodded.

Alphas can't mate(Minchan)Where stories live. Discover now