Chapther 1

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"Megan, are you awake?!" Alahna called, knocking on my door. "Good morning," I said, opened the door and ran past her and down to the kitchen. With my backpack hanging on my left shoulder, I grabbed an apple as I reached the kitchen where my parents were standing. Alahna came down the stairs, also with her backpack on just one side of her shoulder. "It's the first day after the holidays. Why are you so enthusiastic?" Alahna asked with a giggle. "It's senior year. This year will be unforgettable" smiled all over my face. "It will also be unforgettable if we are late on the first day" said Alahna. "We still have so much time Alahna, when are the triplets coming?" I asked her and bit into my apple. "They should be there in 5 minutes, I guess" she said and also reached for an apple. "Here's your lunch" my mom said and pushed two lunch bags towards us. A car horn sounded outside, it must be the triplets. "Thank you mom" said me and Alahna. Our mom gave us a kiss on the head and we headed outside. "Have fun on your first day!" she called after us, but we were already closing the front door. „Hello to my favorite people" Alahna said loudly and happily as we got in the back, I just said a quiet "hii" because I'm not very close with the three of them. I like them, especially Matt. He's rather quiet and I've talked to him the most so far. They are Alahna's best friends, especially Nick, he came out to her first before he did to everyone else. I know this means a lot to Alahna. Chris is sitting in front of me, my best friend Rachel is kinda into him. I know the two of them sent a few snaps back and forth, but I don't think there was ever any real interest on his part. At least that's what she said, but still she questions me every time, but my answer is always the same. I don't know anything about the triplets. I mean they're nice, good looking, play on the school's lacrosse team, but I don't really know anything about them. "Are you coming to Homecoming this weekend?" Alahna asked me, completely breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes, Tyler is playing" I smiled. Tyler is my boyfriend for a year. We got to know each other at the last homecoming and he asked me out on a date and that's when I fell in love with him. He is my first boyfriend and treats me like a princess. I couldn't be happier. "Lacrosse Tyler? The most popular guy in school?" Nick asked me in surprise and his eyes widened. "Yeah" I giggled and blushed a little. "If he doesn't stop smoking soon he'll be kicked off the lacrosse team" Alahna laughed and I pushed her arm. "That is not true". "No really, Coach has already said that the captain of the team won't be able to play anymore because of his health if he doesn't stop" said Matt and looked at me through the mirror. I looked at him shocked, I didn't know that... I'm going to talk to Tyler. "I'll come and watch you guys" said Alahna and clapped Chris and Matt on the shoulders. "You guys are lined up too?" I asked. "Yeah," Matt said and Chris nodded. "Cool, what numbers do you have?" I asked "I only know Chris his number, what number do you have Matt?" I asked "How do you know my number?" asked Chris and turned around in his seat to face me. "Uhm my best friend Rachel" I said. "Rachel Johnson?" he asked with raised eyebrows. "yeah, she said you guys snapped" I said "oh my god" Chris said and turned back around. At this Matt and Nick laughed. "What did I miss?" I asked. "Yes, what did Rachel do?" Alahna asked with a puzzled face. "Nothing, she just makes it so obvious that she likes me" Chris said. "It's not bad. She's pretty and she's the sweetest person on earth" I said. I don't like other people having a different image of Rachel if they don't know her well, so I stand up for her.

When we got to school we all got out of the car and I said goodbye because Rachel was walking towards me. She opened her arms and wrapped me in a warm hug. For the last few weeks of the holidays she was on a Europe trip so we couldn't see each other, which makes our joy even greater. "I missed you so much" I said while still hugging her. "I missed you too" she said. Rachel has been my best friend since sophomore year and she knows everything about me. It's like everyone says, every brunette needs her blondie. We walked into the school and my eyes scanned the hallway, looking for Tyler. Suddenly everything went dark, I felt familiar hands on my face and I smiled all over my face. I put my hands on his hands and turned around. I kissed him immediately and had to smile into the kiss. "I've been looking for you everywhere" I said as I moved a little away from him. "Here I am" he said with a grin. He took my right hand and then we walked together with Rachel to the figurehead. All the courses for the sophomore, junior and senior students were hanging there. I took a picture and we looked at it in peace. I looked at where my name was written and saw if I could find any familiar names that I was in a class with.

My List:
Biology - with alahna, Rachel, Sturniolos and Tyler
Chemistry - with alahna, Rachel, Sturniolos and Tyler
History - Chris Sturniolo
English - with alahna, Rachel, Sturniolos and Tyler
Art - Rachel, Nick, Matt and Tyler
Gym - with alahna, Rachel, Sturniolos and Tyler
Mathematik - Tyler, Chris and Rachel
French - Tyler and Chris
Latin - Nick and Matt
German - Sturniolos, Rachel
Science - with Alahna, Rachel, Sturniolos and Tyler
Social studies - Rachel, Sturniolos und Tyler

I saw quite a lot with the Sturniolos. Well at least then maybe I'll get to know them better and can bring Rachel and Chris together. I grinned at my own thoughts. I looked at what my first subject was today and it was science, with everyone, so I can introduce everyone to each other, I thought to myself. "Come on, we have science class" I said to Tyler and Rachel. We walked down the halls until we got to the science room.

Note 💗
March 11, 2024

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