Chapter 22

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"Where are they now, we're about to get on the plane" said Alahna. Nick Chris and Matt wanted to quickly go to the airport toilet. "The morning was already stressful, why are they so chaotic" I said. I couldn't stand still, the line we were standing in was getting shorter and shorter, my  phone was vibrating "Chris posted a photo" "ohh they're kidding" I said "what?" said alahna and looked at my phone. "sometimes I hate them. If they last longer, I go crazy" she said.

 If they last longer, I go crazy" she said

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Liked by Matt, Nick and 298 more

Alahna - I hope you miss the plane
Alahna - hurry up NOW

"Look who's there," I said to Alahna and the three of them came towards us. The line was almost over. They squeezed through the people to get to us, there were still three people in front of us before it was our turn to get in. "If that's exactly how it is in LA, I'll stay at home" I said "Megan's right, you're the chattiest people I know" said Alahna "chill, we got there in time" said Chris "yes, but it doesn't have to be open be the last minute" I said "ohh Megan is mad" he said. "Funny Chris" I said. I was extremely stressed, especially because I'm also afraid of flying. Not as strong, but still. "We're here now and everything's okay" said Matt. We got on the plane and looked for our seats. I sat next to Matt and Alahna, Nick and Chris sat together on the other side. I was sitting at the window, Matt next to me and Alahna next to him, in between was the aisle and then Nick was sitting there and Chris was sitting at the other window. I whipped my leg up and down, Alahna, Nick and Chris already had air pods in them. "Are you afraid of flying?" asked Matt. "No, I'm just nervous," I said. "Was that why you were so stressed?" "yes, I think the takeoff and landing are the worst. "I'm sorry for snapping at you like that" I said, "It's okay, there's nothing you have to apologize for" he smiled, oh I love Matt, he's such a sweet guy. His future girlfriend will be really happy with him. "You can take my hand, I'm here, we can do it together" he said. I smiled at him "thanks Matt" I said and reached for his hand and a few seconds later the plane took off. I looked out the window, then at my hand, Matt's thumb stroked my hand, he smiled encouragingly at me and when the plane was finally in the air we let go of our hands. "Thank you" I smiled. The flight went smoothly, we spent most of the 6 hours sleeping, talking or listening to music, so the time went by quickly.

"Grandpa" said Alahna and I at the same time. And our grandpa came to us with open arms "my girls" he said with a huge smile on his face. We left our suitcases and hugged him tightly. "How are my little girls" "good" said Alahna "we missed you" I smiled "I missed you too" he said and kissed each of us on the forehead. "And you are the triplets brothers," he said and walked towards them, the three of them nodded and greeted my grandpa. "Chris" said Chris as he shook it "Hank" my grandpa introduced himself "Matt" said Matt and shook his hand "I assume that's a nickname for Matthew" he smiled and Matt nodded with a smile. "and you must be Nick, I've heard a lot about you" said my grandpa. "Yeah right" said Nick. I was so happy and couldn't do anything else but smile, I looked at alahna and she smiled at me too. We all walked towards the airport parking lot, Chris and I were walking in the back and he had his arm around my neck and gave me a kiss on the head as we walked. My grandpa packed all the suitcases in the trunk and we sat in the car, it was already late, just before sunset, it would be dark in 2 hours. "Megan" said my grandpa and looked at me through the rearview mirror "yes?" I asked "I have a surprise for you" he said "what is it?" I asked "Mr Twinkle is going to be a Dad" he said. "What???" I said happily shocked. "Omg a baby" said Alahna and looked at Me. "It's almost that time, just a few more days," said my grandpa. "That's great" I said. When we arrived at the ranch, my grandfather brought us upstairs, we all had our own rooms, but it was clear that we would probably all sleep in one room anyway, but we packed our clothes into the rooms. "Ellis cooked you something to eat, you can eat it later if you're hungry," said my grandpa. Ellis is his wife, after our grandma died he fell in love again. We liked Ellis, she was always nice to us. We didn't know our grandma, so she was always a grandma to us and also a mom to our mother. "If you need Me, you know where to look. "Good night, you five," said my grandpa. When we were all ready we met in Alahna's room. "I'll be right back, I can't wait until tomorrow," I said and went out into the stable. I went straight to Twinkle's box. "Hello, my big boy" I said with a huge smile on my face. I hugged him and he put his head over my shoulder. "I'm back, I missed you" I said "You're going to be a great dad" I said holding his big head and smiling at him. "So this is Mr. Twinkle himself," my favorite voice rang out at the big gate of the stable. "Twinkle, this is Chris, he's something like a friend," I said, smiling. "I didn't know that friends always kiss when they have the opportunity," he said leaning against the gate and then took a few steps in my direction. He stroked the horse between his eyes, on the forehead. "It's huge," he said, "mhm," I said and also stroked Mr. Twinkle's head. Chris stood next to me leaning against the box so he could see me and Twinkle. I was still standing in front of him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him with a smile. "It's sweet the way you treat him and the way you talk to him," he smiled. "You heard?" and he grinned in response. "I'm sure he'll be a good father" he smiled and I smiled at him. "What's wrong Megan?" he asked "nothing, it's just that time flies so quickly. I have known him since I was a little child, he is older than me and is now going to be a dad. We are in our senior year, the last year of school, everything has changed. I thought Tyler was the one and Rachel was going to be my kids' aunt, but everything has changed. I have changed, my decisions and desires have changed. And do you know what I want most? That you had been a part of my life before, that you had been my first kiss, that you had been my first boyfriend, I just wish I had never gone to my very first homecoming. "I wish you were the only one in my life." I blurted out. Chris looked at me as if he couldn't believe what I was saying, but then his hand came to rest on my cheek. "But now I'm here and I won't leave. I'm present in your life now." he said, looked into my eyes, then at my hair, stroked it behind my ear "time passes and everything turns out well, time brings new things into your life, new people. And in Rachel's place, you now have Nick and Matt and I think, especially Matt, would like to be your children's uncle in the future" he said and I smiled, I love Chris's words, he always has the right ones. "And you know what, I'll tell you a secret about Rachel, she may not be your best friend anymore and it may feel like you've lost a part of yourself, but there will always be a friend who has your back. The day Matt got your call, he left everything behind and looked for you, he didn't even think about it, he just reacted, he did it for you because you were important to him. I saw you holding his hand and I knew he would take care of you when I couldn't. You may have lost Rachel, but you gained someone very special in return" he said. I really had to fight back tears. "and it's normal for things to change and for you to change too, it's okay. You grow up and your goals and desires change. You are a beautiful girl, don't worry. I got you okay? And I won't let you go, I'm glad that you're part of my life, I can't get you out of my head. I'm so in love with you Megan" he said, I couldn't believe what he was saying, I looked him, my eyes felt like they were tearing up, but before a tear could leave my eye I kissed him, I pressed myself against him, I never wanted to miss his warmth, his closeness again. His lips were soft, his hands touched my face, I smelled his perfume, I felt his hair tickle my face. Everything was perfect, he is perfect. I pulled away from him, looked into his eyes and our bodies moved a little away from each other. I received a strong push from behind against my back and fell into Chris's arms again. We laughed quietly and kissed briefly again, full of emotions and passion, with so many feelings at once. We were interrupted by a noise from outside that I couldn't place. "What was that?" I asked "I have no idea" said Chris. "You're so cheeky" I said to Twinkle, stroked his head again and we went outside to see what it was, but didn't see anything. "Let's have a look there" I said and pointed to the large pastures. I climbed through the fence onto the meadow. "Come on, Chris, or do you wanna stay there?" I laughed and he climbed through too. A few horses stood further away. "Megan" Chris said, pointing to the ground a few feet away. "Look" he said, leaning his head over my shoulders. "No way" I said. There was a little baby horse lying in the meadow, I smiled all over my face, turned to Chris and gave him a kiss, then turned back to the foal. I knelt down and stroked it "Hello baby" I said and held my hair out of my face with one hand. Chris knelt down next to me and stretched out his hand to stroke it."welcome to the world little one" he said.  The cold air of the mountains drifted across the meadow. "We should bring the foal in, should we? It's too cold" he said. It's so sweet how he cares about it. "Yes, also because of the mountain lions. It's far too dangerous" I said. "But it still needs a name" I said "it's a girl" I smiled. "You know what would be cute, Corazón. I don't know why, but it fits the situation" I smiled and looked at the foal. "Then it's her name now" said Chris. The name is cheesy, but it's full of meaning.

Note 💗
march 30, 2024

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