Chapter 32

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On our way home I enjoyed the time alone with Chris after this exciting evening. He had an arm around my shoulder and we walked close to each other. "Did you know that people dream for 43,800 hours in their life?" I said and continued to concentrate on the surroundings. "How do you come up with that?" he asked with a short laugh. "I don't know, I was thinking about my dreams and then I remembered that I read that once" I said. "Do you know what I love about you?" he said and I shook my head. "That you know little things like this. It's cute" he said and I smiled.
"I once dreamed about you" I said "when was that?" he laughed. "It was a long time ago, last year or the year before last I guess, but I still remember some things" I said "tell me" I said "We were sitting on my bed in my room as if we had been waiting for someone. We didn't talk, but I saw every detail about you and I always had a feeling that I couldn't place, but now I have that feeling every time I look at you. And now I know what it means" I said. "So you're telling me you dreamed what you're feeling now maybe two years ago" he said, "I guess. But it's so crazy, I mean I didn't really know you. I was surprised at the time that I dreamed about you because we had no connection to each other, at least not a personal one" I said. "Do you remember when Nick, Matt and I went to pick up Alahna after our vacation 2 years ago and you met us in the hallway at home and you went back to your room really ashamed?" he laughed. "That's not funny" I laughed "It is" he said grinning "I know you had a crush on me" he said. "It wasn't a crush, it was more like you were my older sister's best friend and you were cute" I said "if you say that" he smiled "yes" I said "At the time, Nick and Alahna always joked that we would be good together" he said "Alahna told me today" I said and leaned my head against him. "I wonder what has changed in all this time" I said. "I guess ourselves. I mean, we're starting to grow up now, our feelings are changing.. Time changes" Chris said. "Yes, but nothing has changed. You are still one of my sister's best friends. So I changed, my perspective changed" I said "Yes, but we both have changed" he said "Nah, you're still cute" I smiled "No but I perceive you completely differently now. Do you know what I mean?" "Yeah, I know" he said. "Have you ever had a moment that has something to do with me?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I mean, I had, as you would say, a crush on you" "That's what you mean. I remember a moment on New Year's Eve when your family came over to our house just after midnight. It wasn't that I had a crush on you, but when I was lying in my bed I thought about you the whole time. That confused me and stuck with me the whole next day, as the days went by it became less and less so I didn't really worry about it, but that whole night all I could think about was your hug, even if we didn't really talk to each other" he said. "You could have told me that" I said "You're funny Megan. How? We never saw each other or talked, practically we didn't know each other" he said "I know, but I wish we had." I said. "What were you thinking about that night?" I asked. "How your hug felt, generally about you and how beautiful you are. At a certain point I even wished that we had kissed" he laughed "Oh believe me, this year you'll get a New Year's Eve kiss and even more " I said "you're crazy" "but I often thought about you and how it would be if we knew each other better, but when Rachel started to like you I quickly ended that" I said

We finally arrived home. I unlocked the door, put the key on the table and Chris closed the door. "Are you staying over or are you going back to the event?" I asked him "If you want I'll stay with you" he said "I was hoping you said that" I said. I took his hand and went with him upstairs to my room. I was looking forward to my bed, I was so tired and with Chris by my side the night couldn't get any better. My room door closed behind us and the first thing I did was give him a kiss. My hands that were around his neck slid down to his collar and I moved a little away from him. "I love that on you" I said, looking down at his white shirt and looking into his eyes again. He grinned as he noticed me untying his tie and undoing the buttons on his shirt. "You're driving me crazy" he said, grinning and shaking his head. My fingers felt his skin and my nails ghosted over his upper body, I kissed him and his hands grabbed my hips. A hand slid up to the zipper of my dress to unzip it. I grinned into the kiss and he did the same. He brought me to my bed, leaned over me without breaking the kiss for long, my hands ghosted over his back, through his hair, his upper body collided with mine, our lips never parted once.

"Do you know if we all hang out tomorrow before your family comes over?" I asked Chris while I was lying in his arms. "I don't know. If you want, can you and I go somewhere?" he asked "I would love to" I said. "Chris?" "huh?" he said. I wasn't sure if I should say that but I had the urge.. "you're the first person I've truly loved" I said "I love you too Megan" he said. Shortly afterwards we fell asleep. The evening was exhausting and exciting at the same time. The next morning I woke up slowly to the commotion downstairs. I couldn't quite figure out what it was, I was still too tired. I turned to Chris, he was still sleeping. I looked at your face, the hair that fell over his face. I leaned my head against his chest, put my arm around him and slowly scanned his sides. I became slower and slower because I eventually fell asleep again. Hours later I woke up, I looked up at Chris and immediately had a smile on his face, "hii" I smiled very quietly, "hey" he whispered and gave me a quick kiss. "What time is it?" I asked "almost 1 p.m." he said. "Ohhh. I was already awake this morning, but fell asleep again. How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Half an hour" he said. "I think Nick and Matt are at Alahna's room" he said "are you sure?" I asked "I think so" he said "but can we stay here for a moment. I want time alone with you" I said and smiled.

We've been in alahna's room for a while now. In a few days the holidays will be over and our school day will begin again. It won't make any real difference as far as our friendship is concerned, we see each other all day at school and we always meet up after school, but of course holidays are always better. "Nate's mom is texting me right now," Matt said. "What is she texting?" Asked Chris "he's finally coming home tomorrow" said Matt "no way" said Alahna. "Finally" Nick said. "His mom asks if we're coming to the surprise party and she asks who who," Matt said. Everyone looked at me "what?" I asked "Are you coming with me?" Nick asked "Uhm.. if it doesn't bother you. I mean Nate and I don't really know each other" I said "no he likes you, he'll be happy" Chris said, I smiled. "Okay, I'll tell her the five of us are coming," Matt said, typing on his cell phone. "Shouldn't Nate be back for another month?" I asked. I know from Alahna that Nate is doing an exchange year in Spain, cool isn't it? "Maybe he wanted to go back sooner" said Alahna. "I'll ask him tomorrow" Nick said

Note 💗
april 22 , 2024

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