Chapter 8

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After a 10 minute longer drive than usual, we arrived at the Sturniolos around 10 p.m. I've never been to their home, that's crazy. Everyone got out, because I was sitting behind Chris, we got out on the same side. He turned to walk past me, he looked at me and I looked at him. I couldn't read his look, I mean I knew it would never happen again, it was a mistake. We went into the house and went up the stairs. "I'm going to my room. Good night" Chris said and he quickly disappeared into his room. "Here Megan" Nick said and gave me clothes to sleep in, that was so thoughtful of him. "I'll go change then" I said "the bathroom is there" said Matt and pointed to a door "thanks" I smiled. I closed the door behind me and took off my dress and finally the high heels, after a long time they are just uncomfortable. I put on the hoodie Nick gave me and a pair of joggers that were way too big, but it was okay, I just pulled them together by the ties. I need to talk to Chris, but what's the best way or should I just write to him? I don't know yet, but I'll find out. I walked out of the bathroom and joined the others.

The evening was actually quite quiet, there were four of us in Nick's room and after an hour Matt went into his room. Alahna and Nick also fell asleep at some point. I was still on my phone watching stories from people at my school, videos and photos from homecoming, until I got to Rachel's story, I didn't even watch her performance because I only had my eyes on one person the whole time. Oh man, I'm such a bad friend and even more of a bad girlfriend
I switched to Snapchat and as I could see Chris was still awake. I got up quietly without waking Nick or Alahna. I quietly walked past Matt's room and knocked on Chris's room. "Come in" he said. I slowly and quietly pushed the door handle down, took a step into his room, turned to the door and slowly and quietly pushed it shut. "Megan, what are you doing here?" He asked confused. "Can we talk for a moment Chris" I asked. "Yeah" he said. I was still standing at his door, he sat up and patted his bed. I went and sat down. I bent one of my legs and my other leg over it. "Okay, so about before, I'm sorry and that shouldn't have happened. And I'm sorry I dragged you into this because when Tyler finds out he's going to be mad. I promised Rachel today that I would never betray her and two hours later I lost my relationship and my best friend. I was so stupid, Chris" "hey Megan, mistakes happen okay. You don't have to tell anyone about what happened between us, but if you want to be honest, tell Tyler and Rachel." He said "Chris, I have to tell them, I can't lie to them, but I don't want to lose them, i can't tell them even if I want to." I was about to start crying. "Listen, we can keep it a secret okay, it will never happen again" "please don't tell anyone Chris, it's all my fault" I cried. My head fell against his chest and I cried. He hugged me and made me cry even more. "I ruined everything" I sobbed. "No Megan" he said quietly. "Chris my best friend likes you and I kissed you. I know how much she likes you, she always talks about you over a year and I know it and I did it anyway, I kissed you. I'm such a bad person" I cried. "Hey Megan, don't say that. You are not a bad person just because you made a mistake" he said.
"I cheated on my friend and boyfriend, I'm a bad person" I said. "Okay Megan, Rachel likes me, but she needs to get over the fact that I don't like her that way, there's nothing you can do about that. Tyler hasn't been a good boyfriend lately and it's understandable if you're confused, but that doesn't mean you're a bad person" he said. While I looked at him and he stroked my hair and his eyes studied my face. Isn't it crazy that the boy I betrayed everyone with is now comforting me? "Just because I'm confused doesn't mean I can hurt everyone" I said "You're going to hurt so many more people in your life Megan and it's okay as long as it's not on purpose" he said. "Can I ask you something?" He said, now I looked at him again "why did you kiss me?" Asked he. I don't even know why I did it. "I don't know Chris, why did you kiss back?" I asked, the corners of his mouth turned slightly into a gentle smile and I smiled back at him "why were you looking at me the whole game?" Is he serious? Does he want to play that game? "Why were you watching me during the game?" I grinned back. "Why did you check me out in sports class" now the whole thing wasn't so funny for me anymore, he noticed?? I would love to sink into the ground right now. If I ask a counter question, that means I don't have an answer to it and would agree with him that I did that, but if I say something against it, I would deny it and that means it would also be true. "Why were you staring at me like that when you came to our house yesterday?" I asked "You know, Megan, maybe someday we'll have answers to these questions" he said. what does he mean? I smiled at him, looked at his face, what do I really want? "Thanks Chris" I smiled. He wiped tears from my face with his finger. I looked at him hopelessly before giving him a kiss on the cheek. This is the last time I will be this close to him. I slowly moved my face away from his and we looked at each other, our faces a few inches apart. It's hopeless, our eyes keep meeting after we look at our lips. "It can't happen again" he whispered so quietly, his breath lightly touching my skin "I know" I whispered back, it sounded disappointing. What do I really want?

Note 💗
March 13, 2024

Truth - 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now