Chapter 4

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Matt parked his car and we all got out and walked as a group to the sports field. Tyler was already waiting for me there. I ran towards him, leaving my sister and the triplets behind me. "Hey" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. "What have I missed again?" said Alahna, I could only hear her quietly. "Seems like she's forgiven him" said Matt "let's go" said Chris and I said in the corner of my eye he ran ahead and the others followed him. "Did you smoke again?" I asked Tyler "Yeah before school, why?" he asked "someone told me that Coach Jenkins will no longer tolerate you endangering your health" I said "who says that?" he said angrier than usual. "It doesn't matter" I said. I knew that if I said that Matt told me that, he would get mad and call him out. "Ah, I know" he said

When I got to the girls' cabin, Alahna and Rachel were already there. I greeted Rachel with a hug. "Is everything okay with you and Tyler?" Alahna asked interestedly. "Yes, he called me yesterday and apologized for his behavior" I said, putting on my tank top. "What do you think I should wear?" Rachel asked, holding up two tops. "That" said Alahna and I and pointed to the one on the right. "Real? I think others suit me better, maybe Chris will talk to me then" she said and Alahna and I shared a look. "Wear what you feel most comfortable in" I said and she put the left one back in the bag. Why does she think she has to change for someone to like her. She is one of the most beautiful girls I know and why does she want to pretend just that Chris likes her. She was always confident, she must really have feelings for him because I don't know her like that at all. "Ready?" Alahna asked and I was just tying my shoelaces. "Yeah" I said and the three of us went onto the pitch. "Ugh he looks so good" said Rachel and Alahna and I looked at Chris. He had gray joggers and a regular t-shirt. "He looks the same as usual?" I said with a questioning look, "that's what i was going to say" said Alahna. "Alahna, I don't understand why you haven't already started a move on one of them" Rachel said. "Because they are my best friends" she said.

We were standing with the triplets when one of Tyler's friends, Davon, walked past us and stopped. "Hey Megan, did you break up with Tyler or why are you here with them" he said it in such a derogatory way and with a giggle "no, they are my friends too" I said questioningly. Davon just took one look at everyone and then walked away. "Oh I don't like these kind of boys" said Nick "how do you two put up with them" Alahna said to me and Rachel. From a distance I saw Tyler coming over. He stood next to me and put his arm over my shoulders. As if he wanted to symbolize that I was his in front of the triplets. There was a strange silence between everyone. "So you two lined up on Friday?" Tyler said to Chris and Matt. I noticed that neither of them really like Tyler. "Yeah" they both replied almost at the same time. "Numbers 3 and 4 right?" Tyler asked and they both nodded. Nick, Alahna and I just looked at each other, the situation was probably just as uncomfortable for us as it was for Matt and Chris. "Have you smoked again?" I asked disgusted when I smelled the disgusting smell. "It's not a big deal" he said and before I could say anything Coach Jenkins came over and blew his whistle loudly.

"Everyone runs three laps around the sports field," he said and everyone started running. Our group split because of all the students. I jogged to save my energy so I could start running after the second lap. I was jogging slowly when someone caught me. "Chris" I said happily and he matched my speed. "Wanna run together?" I asked with a smile. "If you don't mind" he said. "How many rounds?" he asked, trying to pace his breathing. "Started the 3" I said. "Then I'm excited to see who gets to the finish line first" he said and sprinted off. "Hey, that's unfair" I called after him. He turned around and jogged backwards briefly. "come on Megan" he called and I just laughed, shaking my head. I ran to him and we raced against each other to the finish.
"I would say I managed my endurance better" I laughed and exhaled heavily as we reached the finish. Grabbed my hands on my hips and bent my upper body down to take a breath. "pure luck" Chris laughed and put his hands on his hips and leaned his head back. I looked at him, his hair was sweaty, his shirt was sticking to his torso in some places and his joggers had slipped a bit.
Stop Megan, what are you doing? Stop looking at him. "Here" Chris said and took a sip of his water and held it out to me. "Thanks" I said and took it. I took a sip and looked around. The others slowly arrive at the finish line. "Megan looks like your boyfriend isn't in great shape" Matt said, I looked at Tyler who was coughing as he ran. "Oh God" I said, handed Chris his water and jogged over to Tyler. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly "yes it's just a cough" he said "I told you you have to stop smoking" I said "I know, but I can't" he said as he slowly walked next to me "oh Tyler, I'll help you," I smiled.

Note 💗
March 12, 2024

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