Chapter 19

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"What do they actually wanna talk about?" I asked Alahna as we got ready to go to the Sturniolos in the late afternoon. I mean, sure, I know why, but what should I tell them, what do they wanna know? I mean, they can just as easily talk to Chris. "You'll see" said Alahna, who was sitting on my bed and waiting for me. I sighed, just talk about me. I put on my jogging suit and reached for my shoes.

We left our house and walked to the triplets. Alahna and I talked about everything. "The Christmas holidays are coming soon," she said. "Do you think the whole family will come for Christmas?" I asked her with a laugh. "Sure, like every year, if we don't celebrate Christmas together, the world will end" she laughed. Christmas was a very important celebration for our family. When we arrived at their house we rang the bell and Matt opened the door for us. "Hey" he said and hugged us, the three of us went into Nick's room where he was already waiting. He greeted us and we sat down. "I'll get something to drink" said Alahna and left me alone with the two of them. "How are you?" Matt asked "good I guess" I said "what about you?" and looked at both of them and they nodded to tell me they were fine too. "Okay, come on, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked. "We wanna know what's going on with you and Chris" Nick said. "I don't know, everything was good, but I'm afraid that everything will get complicated now" I said "go for it Megan" said Matt "Yes Matt's right" said Nick. "Maybe it's better if we stay friends" I said "but you like each other" said Matt "I don't know if he-" before I could continue, Nick interrupted me. "Megan, he's our brother and if I can say one thing, what I realized yesterday is that he likes you. I'm convinced" said Nick. "We're here for you if you need time" Matt said. "Thank you. I was so worried last night that you guys would hate me" I said "why should we?" said Nick and Matt gave me a hug "we could never hate you" said Matt. I hugged him back and then we moved away again. "Do you love him?" Nick asked straight out. "Nick!!" said Matt admonishingly and I looked shocked. "Alright, alright, don't answer" Nick said, putting his hands up jokingly in defense. Good, because I know that I like him, a lot... and I know, I told Alahna yesterday that I love him. Do I do that? I'm unsure, but I think it's going in that direction.

It took Alahna a long time for her drink, she was probably gone for 20 minutes. "I'll go check on Alahna" I said to Matt and Nick. As I opened the door I heard noises from the kitchen and at the same time Chris crossed my path and the door behind me slammed shut. "Hey" he said "hey" I smiled. "Is everything okay?" he asked. "Yes, what about you?" I asked him, looking at every detail of him. "Yeah" he replied. "Can we talk?" I asked "Sure" he said and led the way to his room. We sat down on his bed, at first it was very quiet, I didn't know exactly how to start. "I wish last night had been different" I said "yes it was pretty heavy" he replied. "I wish Rachel and Tyler hadn't found out like that. "They don't deserve that," I said. Chris nodded slightly. "But what about us?" I asked "us?" he said "yes, us" I said. "I know why you are here. Alahna was just here for 20 minutes and talked to me, did Nick and Matt talk to you?" he asked with a smile. "Yes they did" I said and then said "but what about us Chris?" "I like you Megan, a lot, you know that, but what about you?" He said, studying my face. "I don't want it to end with us. I like you Chris, more than I think and more than I can say. We can carry on like before and see where it takes us" I said and looked at him, hopelessly in love. His face came closer, my breathing became stronger, my stomach tingled, no, my whole body tingled. I pressed my lips against his, I couldn't wait for him to touch mine. His tongue slipped between my lips and the kiss became more passionate, his hand tangling in my hair. I placed one of my hands on his cheek and one touched his abs under his shirt. Our bodies kept moving back and forth, slamming into each other again and again.

Back home I made myself something to eat, Alahna was in her room and my parents were out. I sat alone in the kitchen and waited until my pasta from yesterday was ready. I was too lazy to cook something new for myself, so I just sat at the kitchen counter and posted a picture on Instagram.

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