Chapter 15

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"How is it possible for a person to take as long as you?" said Alahna as Chris and I entered the room. She sat on a bed with Nick, so now I have to share a bed with Chris. The hospital beds looked like a giant bed for an entire family. Chris sat down next to Matt, who had the laptop, I sat down next to Chris. Alahna handed us a pizza box and Matt started the film. "Is that the Matrix?" I asked. "Yes" everyone said "okay, never seen it before" I said "if you only watch grown ups with Adam Sandler of course you don't know the matrix" Chris giggled "hey" I said and hit his arm playfully. Alahna laughed "so real". But wait, it's so sweet that Chris remembered that when Alahna said that the other day.

When we all decided to go to sleep. Chris and I swapped sides during the movie so I could get a better look, so now I was between Matt and Chris. We ended up talking about childhood stories and dreams. "When Megan and I were little, we visited our grandparents in Kansas" Alahna said. "No, not that story" I said, covering my face with both hands. "Now we want to hear everything" grinned weakly, Chris looked down at me with a smile. "So we were in Kansas on our grandparents' farm. Megan was 7 and I was 8 at the time. Megan always had a favorite horse" „Mr. Twinkle" we said at the same time. "Mr Twinkle really?" Chris giggled at me. "I hope Megan's children get better names than that horse" said Matt "imagine in 20 years Megan will come visit us and call Ocean Nova or Jasper Moon" Nick laughed and we all laughed together. "I will never call my children like that" I said "Back to the story, Mr. Twinkle was Megan's favorite horse. One day I woke up earlier than her and took Mr. Twinkle to a meadow further away from the house. I went back into the house and woke up Megan and said that Mr. Twinkle was stolen. She went from house to house asking if anyone had seen the horse. She cried all day while Mr. Twinkle spent his best life in the meadow with his horse friends. She even accused someone of stealing Mr. Twinkle and was then allowed to look into the farmer's stable so she could see that Mr. Twinkle wasn't there. Our grandpa then told me to end the prank and then took Megan to this horse. When she saw Mr. Twinkle she ran over and it was so epic, she just fell on her face. That was the funniest picture on earth." Alahna said "that's so embarrassing Alahna" I said. The others laughed "but actually that's cute" said Chris "Yes it is, but just imagine a 7 year old Megan running towards her horse and falling head over heels" laughed her. I think it's a sister thing, but I love it. The evening went on like this for a long time, we talked about childhood stories and other past memories.

Everyone was already asleep, or so I thought. I kept turning around to find a comfortable position. "Can't you sleep?" Matt asked in a whisper. "No, and you?" I asked quietly "I'm tired, I'll probably fall asleep soon" he said gently. "Yeah you better. You need to rest" I said and felt his shoulder. "It's okay" he said. "I'm sorry this happened to you because of me" I whispered. "I would do anything for you. You are part of our family, you are important to Chris and Nick. Me too and Alahna especially." he said "thanks Matt, you are all important to me too, more important than I could have ever thought" I said. "Good night, Megan" he said quietly, putting his hand on mine and then away again. "Good night, Matt." I smiled, even though he couldn't see it, only the outline of our faces in the dark. I turned around to see Chris, who was already asleep. His arm was under my neck, so I snuggled into his side. He was so warm and cozy, he smelled so good, his heart beat softly. So much happened today and I realized so much, it's not Tyler.. It's Chris.

In the morning we woke up early, packed our bags and waited for our parents. With all our strength we pushed the beds back into place. The doctor came in one last time to check Matt's health. "So tomorrow you can go back to school, but today you'd better stay at home." Marylou and Jimmy came into the room, spoke to the doctor and he said the same thing to them as to Matt. We all walked out of the room together, and in the hallway Chris put his arm around my neck as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Marylou unlocked the car and as we all sat down she asked "do you want something else for breakfast, waffles or pancakes?" everyone said "waffles" at the same time. So we went and got something to eat and then Marylou dropped us off at home. I spent the rest of the day studying, I hadn't actively studied at all this school year, so I thought I'd use the day for that today. I was even more tired in the evening. I fell into my bed and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning I woke up, got ready for school, packed my bag and went downstairs. "Megan my darling, I'm driving you and Alahna today" my dad said "okay, can Matt's car be repaired or will he get a new one??" asked my dad, who was talking to Jimmy about it the other day. "No, it can be repaired. Where is your sister?" he said "in her room I think" I said. I sat at the kitchen counter and ate porridge with fruit. I waited for Alahna until she finally came down. "Don't you want to eat anything?" I asked. "No, I'll get something after school." she said, reaching for the fruit bowl. "Okay, girls, come on then" our father said and gave Alahna a kiss on her hair as a greeting.

When I got to school, Alahna and I parted ways. I haven't seen any of the others today, neither Matt, nor Nick, nor Chris, not even Rachel and Tyler, although everyone was still in the hallways. So I went to my locker, I have French now, so I'll see Tyler and Chris there. I dug out the French books I needed. "Hello beautiful girl" someone leaned against the locker next to me. "Chris, stop calling me that" I said with a brief smile, it's sweet when he calls me that, but not everyone here needs to hear it. "Okay, do you want to hang out later? We can go somewhere" is he asking me out?? "Christopher Sturniolo, are you asking me out on a date?" I smiled "if you want to call it a date" he grinned "but yes, I'll go on a date with you" I smiled and emphasized Date a little teasingly. I closed my locker and we went to French class together. On the way there I asked "how is Matt? I haven't seen him at all today" "He's fine, he said his head doesn't hurt anymore" he chuckled. "Good" I said, walking through the door of the French room and turning my head back to Chris. Tyler was already sitting in class with his friends. I put my books, which I had been holding close to my body, on the table and put my bag down. Tyler's eyes pierced me from the moment I walked in, as did those of his friends.

Note 💗
March 19, 2024

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