Chapter 11

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"Hey" I said as I joined the others in the library. "Hey, is everything okay?" Matt asked as I sat down next to him. "Yes" I said and put my bag on my lap to pick out my food. "What did Tyler say?" Chris asked and grabbed something from Nick's box, who looked open-mouthed and slapped his hand. "He was mad because I was happy for you" I said "he's acting like a little child" said Nick. "And Rachel is mad at me again" I said and ate my porridge. "Why now again?" Alahna said "because I spend so little time with her and Tyler and because I told Tyler that I was with her after homecoming and not with you" I said, Alahna just shook her head. "Did I tell you that Mom and Dad are going to cook dinner tonight and you should come too?" Chris asked, looking at me and Alahna. "No you didn't" said Alahna. "Then you know now" he said, Matt giggled. "When should we be there?" I asked "7pm?" He said rather questioningly to Matt and Nick, who confirmed it with a nod. "What class do we have next?" Alahna asked "Chemistry" said Nick "which room?" Asked Chris "somewhere in the west wing" Nick said "I don't trust you anymore. You said 072 is in the East Wing, then Chris and I were even more late because we searched the whole East Wing even though the room is in the West Wing" I said. Chris laughed and continued eating from Nick's box "sorry" Nick said and held his hands up, then Matt just shook his head and grinned.

The school bell rang, ending the lesson, and we walked out of the building together as a group and to Matt's car. "Wait a second" I said and the others waited at the doors of the car while I walked over to Tyler. "Hey, I'll be with the triplets later, is that okay? Your parents invited me and Alahna." I smiled and had my hands leaning on his chest "yeah sure" he said grinning "you can come over on the weekend" I grinned and flirted with him, Tyler grinned even more
"I won't say no to that" "good" I said and kissed him. "Drive carefully" I said and went to the others. "Disgusting" said Alahna, Nick and Matt laughed weakly, but Chris didn't make a face. "What?" If I asked him "nothing" he said and everyone got in the car.

"I have an idea" said Alahna as we entered our house. "Yeah?" I asked. "So it's now 3:20 p.m. and Matt is coming to pick us up at 6:30 p.m. And because there's something to celebrate, we can bake a cake." She said. "That's a good idea" I said. "Okay, meet me in the kitchen at 4 p.m., I guess the cake would be ready by 5:30" she said. "Okay" I said and went up to my room. I took advantage of the time and went to take a shower because I wouldn't have time for that later. When I was finished I went back to my room and picked out an outfit for later so I could quickly put it on later. I looked around in my closet and laid out a few potential outfits on my bed until my alarm went off, which I set specifically for 4 p.m. So I left my room and met Alahna in the kitchen, who had already prepared a few utensils. "First we need flour, can you give me that from the cupboard?" She asked. Alahna put so much effort into the cake, it's so sweet of her because it shows how much the three of them mean to her. Alahna took the opportunity to ask questions, lots of questions.. "Are you still in love with Tyler?" was one of those "yeah sure, why do you think otherwise?" I asked "I don't know, he's changed so much and you don't seem so happy anymore" she said worried and cracked the eggs and dumped them into the flour and milk mixture. "No, I'm happy with him" no, you're not Megan, not right now, but I know that I love him, so I'll never doubt Tyler. "Can you mix this? I'll go upstairs and get something" she said and handed me the mixer. After a few minutes the dough was ready and we could fill it into the mold. "It's now exactly 5:04 p.m." she said, "we needed an hour for the dough? Oh god, we're slow" I giggled, Alahna laughed. "It has to bake for 40 minutes and then it cools down until Matt comes to pick us up" she said "okay, I'm going upstairs, I still have to get ready" I said and went up the stairs, but she stopped me halfway " Megan, you know that you can always talk to me if something's bothering you, I love you" she said with a smile "I love you too" I smiled and went upstairs.

I put on my outfit and sat at my mirror to put on my makeup and do my hair. I curlyed my hair and put it in a ponytail, I was happy with my outfit and the way I looked so I took a few pictures, maybe I'll post one on Instagram. I got up to clean up the mess I made earlier when I was picking out an outfit and put all the clothes back in the closet in an orderly manner. My door was open so anyone could come in, I heard a knock and turned around "hey come in" I said with a smile. He entered my room for the first time. "Are you ready?" He asked "yes almost, I'm just putting this away" I said "I thought Matt was coming to pick us up alone?" I asked "yes, but I wanted to do something" he said. "What?" I asked as I put the last piece of clothing in the closet and turned to him, he wasn't that far away from me. "Would you do it again?" He asked without taking his eyes off mine. I knew exactly what he meant, would I? Yes. "What do you mean" I asked like it was no big deal. By now we were close, very close, but not too close. "You know what I'm talking about Megan" he said. I've said it so many times, but the way he emphasizes my name does something to me. "Chris, we can't" I said, looking between his lips and eyes and the "Would you Megan? Just answer the question" he said. "Chris I would and I want to but it would be wrong. We can't" I whispered. My lower back was leaning against my dressing table and Chris was only a few inches away from me. My stomach was tingling, my heart was pounding, I haven't had that with Tyler in a long time, do I still love him? "Chris, Megan" Alahna called from downstairs. Chris took a few steps back, I looked at him and he looked at me. We didn't say anything to each other anymore but went down the stairs in silence.

"It's so nice that you two are here. And it's nice that we get to know you Megan" said Marylou. I smiled "thanks for the invitation" I said and stabbed the salad that was on my plate in front of me. There's been this tension between me and Chris all evening, it's unbearable. Am I a bad person if I say I wish he had kissed me earlier? Probably.. "we are so proud of you Chris" his mom said and he smiled "thanks mom" he said. As Nick wanted to grab something to eat, his sleeve brushed against my glass, Matt tried to catch it, but that didn't stop the entire drink from spilling over me. "I'm so sorry Megan" Nick apologized 100 times. "It's okay," I said, it really wasn't bad. "I'll get something to dry" said Marylou, "no Mom, I'll get something. Are you coming with me Megan?" Chris said pushing his chair back and standing up. I ran after him to his room and then closed the door behind me. He went to his closet "do you also need joggers or just a hoodie?" asked he. "Just a hoodie, my skirt is dry" I said. "Nick can be such a kid" he said "just like you" I laughed quietly "Watch your mouth" he said and gave me a hoodie in his hand. "Turn around" I said and he did. I took off my top and put it on his bed. Was it weird being in Chris's room without a shirt on and knowing Tyler didn't suspect anything? Even if nothing happens between me and Chris here, it's a strange feeling. So I quickly put the hoodie on and the feeling went away again. "Okay, you can turn around" I said "can I put this here?" I asked him, pointing to his desk. "Yeah sure" he said and I put my wet top there. "Thanks, I guess" I said. And there was the tension again and this time it was huge. "I don't know which outfit I liked better, the first one or with my hoodie," he grinned and I smiled. "You're hilarious" I said. There was the silence between us, but not an awkward one, it was filled with tension and desire, who will break it first? He steps a little closer to me, put his hand on my neck so that his thumb was on my cheek. He makes me weak.
His ocean blue eyes studied me, he gently pulled me closer and closer, and very slowly, so teasingly slowly, his other hand placed itself on my hip. The thumb that was on my cheek slowly moved closer to my lips. I slipped my hands around his neck, pulled him down and kissed him without thinking much about it. I pressed my lips to his, he pushed me towards him, our bodies collide. It was almost as if we had always suppressed this feeling. My stomach was tingling, my heart was racing, and my hands were tangling in his hair. His lips became faster and faster, as did mine. I could feel every little bit of his body against mine because he was holding us so tightly together and it was so good. I never wanted to miss these feelings again. He kissed me harder and grinned into the kiss, squeezing the hand that was on my hip tighter and then sliding it to my lower back. His tongue touched mine and I never wanted to forget the taste again. After this intense kiss, our lips slowly moved away from each other. He looked me straight in the eyes, but before we moved further apart I kissed him again, but only briefly. We went 3 days without kissing, what will it be like after this?

Note 💗
March 15, 2024

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