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Preschoolers loved gross things.

It was a fact. They loved shoving their hands into mud, they loved chasing and catching bugs, they loved to put things they found on the floor in their mouth.

That last one you put as a warning not to do on the side of the sandwich baggies in which you sold slime.

You didn't feel like spending extra, so you stole glue and glitter from the school. Food dye was literally available at dollar tree, you just got it there.

Your buisness was perfect. Over the course of the school year, you sold over $100 dollars in slime. Of course, you over charged, but it was whatever in the end. These dumbass children stole money from their parents wallets to put into yours, and the teachers ended up contributing because they were stressed as hell trying to manage children and also needed something to fidget with.

Your father never knew about this buisness, of course, you kept this money for personal use.

When you moved to elementary school, you continued to sell. Instead of slime however, you sold a few different things. Hall passes, mostly, but you also sold pencils because everyone forgot theirs all the time, gum, and test answers.

You would expect test answers to be fairly difficult to find, but they weren't. It was pretty simple:

Offer to clean the classroom every once in a while so their isn't a clear pattern. Then, do it a few days before a test. Bring a pair of gloves with you to school (no finger prints!*). Wait a few minutes before you know everyone is busy in their clubs or that its only you, a minimal amount of faculty members, and the janitor. Put the gloves on your hands using a tissue (again, no finger prints on the thing preventing finger prints!) and open the drawers on your teachers desk. Carefully dig through and put back uneeded items until you reach the test answers. Gently pull them out of the drawer, leaving some kind of marker where they were for yourself. Write the answers down on a seperate piece of paper and put the original back. Close up the drawers after you make sure you pur everything back exactly as it should be. Remove the gloves and put them
back in the classroom (do NOT put them into the class garbage can!) Finish the cleaning and head home.

You did this time and time again. From first grade to 4th, this was your tactic. By 5th grade, your teachers wanted to get good reports on the district tests and just gave you the answers to save their own asses. You made over $1,000 throughout the entirety of elementary.

Another thing that happened in elementary, when you turned seven to be exact, your dad hired a trainer for you. He knew you wanted to be a hero, and he wanted to support you as much as possible.

The guy wasnt a pro, but he was buff guy about twenty-five years old. He was pretty professional and left as soon as you were done. Oh, and he was rich. You were constantly asking him for money, which he laughed off.

In middle school, you continued to sell all of the above but with the inclusion of food and sweets, which was contraband. Eventually, it got to a teachers pet that you were selling shit and they reported you to the principal. Luckly, you had friends (read: eyes) everywhere, and word got to you that an officer and the principal were planning on asking you about it that friday.

Luckily, by pulling your best doe eyes and crocodile tears, you got off the hook scott free.


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