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After washing your mouth out with the force of a power washer, you head on over to Totoroki to accompany him in his big speech to...you can't remember who. Someone in your class, you think.

When he first told you about what he was going to say, your reaction was pretty simple.


"So what's the issue?"

"Huh?" he makes a confused face and you shrug. "I personally don't see the problem. If you were born with it, it's your quirk. Anyways, even if that's the case, you just gotta become so famous yourself that they just all togther forget your dad. I mean, since the villain attack and all that bullshit, you're kinda halfway there already."


Still in your dizzy daze, you don't exactly remember his reaction, but since we're still having this conversation it seems like your efforts to actually give your opinion in a serious way for once was in vain.

Anyways, you snatch up a Koolaid and a Lolipop quick before catching up with your gossip bestie. The two of you walk over to one of the many entrances, waiting to talk to this mystery person (Totoroki said his name like five times, you just don't listen).

Freckles of all people walks in. He's all sweaty and nervous, and you're tempted to buy him one of those mini-fans that's battery powered.

For a hot second, the three of you stand in silence. You, holding onto Shoto's arm mindlessly fiddling with his shirt sleeve, and Shoto himself staring down Freckles.

"You brought me here. Now what...?" the green haired boy asks finally breaking the silence. "U-uh, we should probably eat soon. The cafeteria'll be busy, I think. Don't you...?"

Shoto simply keeps his cold gaze on Freckles, and you make a little poping noise with your lips, waiting for something to happen.

"I was overwhelmed. And it made me break the promise that I made to myself a long time ago." Shoto starts, pulling his left hand out of his pocket. "Iida and Kaminari, Yayorozu and Tokoyami, Uraraka, none of them felt it. In the end, I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded me of something, something I had experienced with All Might's quirk."

Sweating even harder now (you take note), Freckles stutters and blinks rapidly. "O-oh yeah? Ok...i-is that all?"

"What I'm saying is that your power felt the same as All Might's."

Freckles immediately tenses up, and you make another mental note. Totoroki's idea is a bit of a stretch, but if it's not the case there is something for sure going on. And because you're a messy bitch, you obviously need to know.

"Tell me...are you really All Might's secret love child or something?"

You snort. Shoto looks at you weird, and you continue with your fit of giggles. "It's a lot weirder hearing it out loud than just saying it by ourselves."

"N-no, no way!!! That isn't it at all!! I mean, I guess if I was you I would think it was so you probably won't believe me-"

"Oh my lord get on with it already-" you roll your eyes.

Freckles flushes, apparently just realize you're there, and he stutters even more. "I uhm- h-how did you even get that idea?"

Totoroki makes eye contact with you as you both realize something. You motion for him to bend down a little, and you whisper something quickly in his ear and he nods.

"'That's not it at all' is interesting wording. It suggests there is something between you two that you're not supposed to talk about." Freckles tries to think of something to say, but Shoto interupts. "My father is the hero Endevor. You must have heard of him. Which means you're aware he's the number two hero. So if you're connected to the number one hero, All Might, in some way, that would mean that I have even more reason to beat you.

"My old man is ambitious. He aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero. But he was never able to best All Might, so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though, trying to take down All Might. One way or another."

You're really just waiting for Totoroki to get to the point. You love him to death, but he's really stalling.

Well, your silent prayers are answered finally. He tells Izuku about quirk marriages and blah blah blah, you hold his hands during the bad parts.

This bitch is TRAUMATIZED.

You hear a little shuffle in the middle of Shoto's speech, and you look to your right, over by where the entrance meets the hall.

Someone's blonde, spiky hair is poking out, just enough that anyone farther away than you can't see it. You hold in a laugh. Katsuki needs to improve his spying skills.

Ripping you from your thoughts, Shoto grabs your hand and starts to drag you along with him as he walks away.

"It's really obvious you and All Might are connected in some way or another. He doesn't care if you tell him or not but I do so pleaseeee tell me!!" You turn back to Shoto as you walk away. "Anyways, we should see if they have a slushie stand somewhere here, I'm so craving blue rasberry right now-"

And then Freckles interruptes you with another speech. This time, you purposefully tune him out out of irritation.

Until you feel another tug on your sleeve and Totoroki calls your name.

"Oh we're done now?"

He nods.

"Finallyyy. Let's get some food, I'm starving."

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