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After a good while of studying and getting yelled at by Katsuki with Kirishima, the finals arrive.

Are you confident? Fuck no. Academics is the one thing you aren't perfect in, and with the way Bakugo teaches you're sure the moment you get the paper, you'll lose every little ounce of knowledge you have.

Getting the paper, you realize that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

Woah. Am I like, turing smart???

And by the end of the test, you were suprised at how little you guessed.

You, Mina, and Denki rave about not leaving any blank questions or even just question marks on things you don't know, and decide to go out for celebratory boba later.


The weeks in preperation for the practical exam went quickly.

You got in all the time you could in the gym and with your trainer, staying in shape and actaully putting on a little more muscle than before, prompting an hour of staring into the mirror and flexing your arms.

Training with your classmates was a good call too. Shoto escapes his shit show house to hang with you for a while, and you treat his hard work with McDonalds.

Your angels, or Mina, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari, all agreed to train with you, but it just turned into a skincare and gossip day.

Finally, you did train a fuckton with Katsuki and Shoji. They're both really reliable, and you knew that if you actually wanted to get shit done, they would help you.

The practical exams finally arrive, and you're glad to say you're confident as fuck.


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