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After tying up the hero killer, Shoto picks you right back up (getting bitter when Iida offers to do it out of respect) and Izuku sadly has to be carried by Native.

"We're lucky someone threw this in the dumpster." Shoto comments, and you nod in agreement, too exhausted to say anything.


"Stop fuckin' yellin' damn. I have a massive headache right now and I don't need my ears bleeding."

"S-sorry [Name]..."

Todoroki looks at his incredulously. "Are you forgetting your arms are messed up? It's fine, really."

You look up with a pout. "I could walk if it makes it easier."

"No no, I wouldn't want you to do that." Shoto brushes off, still worried about how tired you are, especially since you don't have any sugar anywhere and you used a decent amount of your quirk.

You fall asleep during the others reflecting on the battle. Shoto looks down at you with a smile, adjusting you for optimal comfort. You deserve the sleep.

You miss out on Iida's apology, and getting scolded by the pros. You also miss Shoto protectively not letting anyone else touch you, making it a lot harder for anyone to assess your injury.

That is, until you hear a call of "GET DOWN-" and the flapping of wings. You look up as every watches, shocked as a Nomu takes Freckles into it's hold and starts to fly away.

Simply wanting this to be over with, you lazily create a long, this sword, and throw it into the air. Your right on the mark, and the thing goes down, slashed neck and all.

Done with life, you sleep through the final appearance of the hero killer, and the rest of the night.


Iida was suprised, to say the least.

When you lot were checked into the hosptial, although you were tired out of your mind, you somehow woke up long enough to throw a tanturm when they attempted to separate you from himself, Shoto and Izuku.

Seeing Iida's confusion once you collapse back into Shoto's arms and the nurses comply, Midorya chuckles to himself and explains.

"[Name]'s never been a sappy person, so to speak. She's good at helping others with their emotions- whether she knows it or not- but she goes a little blank when it comes to explaining her own. I think that being so exhausted made her stop having to think about explaining how she felt, and just saying whatever came to mind. Still, I'm a little confused to why she called me 'Freckles'..."

Iida stifles a laugh at the nickname, before blinking in realization. "Wait...does this mean she doesnt hate me?"

"Hate you?" Izuku asks. "She doesn't hate you. She may not agree with everything you do, but she doesn't hate you. I don't think I've ever heard her even say the word 'hate' before unless she was joking, and she's been in some real drama."

Tenya watches as your tired body is carried inside the room by Shoto, who's just ahead of them in the hallway. He watches as you're arm gets patched up, along with your thigh, focus more on you than his own injuries being assessed. He watches as once the nurses are done, they lay you down gently into your bed, and you snuggle into the blankets with a little grumble, dead asleep.

He's never seen you like this; somewhat weak. You've always seen so untouchable- I mean you literally said he had a log up his ass to him face. And now you're tossing and turing in your sleep, face all scrunched up and somehow stretching across the entire bed.

You seem real to him.

And it might be the first time, but it's definitely not the last.


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