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"Did you guys sleep at all?"

You ignore the question, knowing you're bot included (you obviously slept like a baby), refusing to turn around. You're currently fixing your lashes, because for some reason you remembered to bring mascara and not the stuff that literally makes your quirk work- which is probably why you crashed so hard.

"No." Freckles responds in a distant tone.

Shoto nods. "I figured, me neither."

"Thinking about that fight now," the green haired boy continues, "we did something pretty amazing. After everything that happened back there, it's a miracle we're even alive. With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He could have killed me if he really wanted to."

"Yeah. Seems to me he let us both live on purpose. I'm impressed Iida, he was actually trying to murder you but you stood tall."

"That's not true at all-" the boy recounts. "I-i was..."

You jump as the door opens suddenly. "Ugh, you made me fuck up my hair, asswipe. It's too early for this bullshit."

"...With that it seems you injured younglings are awake." the pros stand awkwardly after you release your morning rage on them.

"Gran Torinooo!!"

"I could yell at you for hours, but you all have a visitor."

A giant dog walks in. I'm not fucking joking, he's literally a giant dog.

"This is Hosu Cities police chief, Kenji Tsuragamae."

Everyone stands in respect exept for you and Izuku- you because you're finishing your hair and Freckles because he's injured.

"No need to stand, woof."


"So, you're the UA students who brought down the hero killer." he states.

Shoto and the rest nod. "We are."

The cheif continues. "Stain had some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should have already learned; when quirks became the norm, we decided against using quirks as weapons, until heros came in, unless licenced. They obey a strict code, which is why it is agaisnt the law for anyone without that licence to use their quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the hero killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain. That means all of you and your mentors should recieve harsh punishment for your efforts."

You fully turn around with a scoff. "Bitch, tell me about broken bones- this mother fucker is literally the hero killer, out to literally murder us, and you're saying we have absolutely no right to save ourselves? I'm calling bullshit right fucking now. I'm not throwing away my whole life to obey a dumbly vauge law, as if."

"Exactly- if Iida had not stepped in, Native would have been murdered! And if not for Midorya, both of them would be dead- no one else even realized the hero killer was in Hosu, are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die??" Shoto yells, agreeing with your sentiments.

The police chief fires back. "So it's ok to break the law as long as it goes your way?"

"'Goes our way'?? Hoe, look at us- we're in a fucking hostpital, every single one of us with concussions and injuries. If it had really gone our way, I would be at the mall right now with a perfectly working arm. No duh it wasn't the best move, but guess what? Nobody fucking died. Japan isn't strugling with over population, so I don't get why you're so fucking set on the best case scenario being for sure losing one amazingly taleneted pro hero, but maybe more. God, this is so fucked." you give him your angry bitch face, making the other two pros step away from you a bit.

"This is why you aren't full fledged pros yet. It's obvious your mentors haven't been teaching you nearly enough. Such a shame."

"You damned mutt-" Shoto growls, stomping toward the man, fuming.

Gran Tortilla or whatever his name was holds out a hand. "Stop there kid, you need to wait until the end."

"That's the offical stance of the police department. Any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. On one hand, you would be applauded by citizens everywhere, although punished by law. On the other, we could say Endevor did it, saving you from that punishment, as well as the publicity. I know where I stand, I don't want to end any young promising careers."

Iida apologies to Manual, and everyone exept you follows his actions. You're still glaring daggers at everyone.

Finally, the adults leave the room, making you four enter a comfortable silence.


"This is why I say fuck the police."



You're finally forced into a seperate room to get some more physical assessments done, once you're out in the hallway, you feel something tickle your neck.

"Hey!" you shout in protest despite your giggles, turning to see a familiar blonde behind you.

"This is not what I meant when I wanted to show you what a real hero does."

"I knowww." you groan dramatically. "And now I'm paying for it by being yelled at by shitty policemen and nurses. Save me."

He smirks, pulling you into a cozy side hug tn avoid your broken bone. "You wish. Go get your tests done, hun, and I'll give you a little treat for being so brave later. You did good kid. But don't tell anyone I said that."

"You owe me thoughhh."

"Fine princess, have it your way."

"It's either my way or the wrong way, baby, you don't have much other choice." you say with a wink, skipping off to the next room over.


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