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"Now then. Let's begin the last test." Aizawa begins as you look confused at the other teachers being there for some reason. "Remember it's possible to fail, so if you want to go to camp don't make any stupid mistakes."

"Uhm- why are all the teachers here?" Jiro asks, and you nod along with her question.

"I expected that many of you had gathered information and seemed to have some idea of what you'd be faced with.

Mina and Denki cheers loudy for the robots, imagining training camp.

"Actually, this year's final test-" a little voice says from inside your homeroom teacher's scarf. "-will be very different for various reasons!"

"Principal Nezu??!?"

You get that chill up your spine at that weird in sync shit again.

"The tests now have a new focus!!" he starts, climbing down the unfazed Aizawa. "It'll be hero work of course, but also teamwork and combat between actual people! So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of out esteemed UA teachers!! Isn't that fabulous?"

"That rat thing is a homo." You mumble after hearing him say the word "fabulous".

While you come to this concusion, one by one every person in the class loses hope.

Aizawa explains how you have predetermined opponents and partners, and how one team will have three people because of the uneven class size.

And of course, you're paired with the one motherfucker in the class that annoys you the most.

"WHYYYYYY." you crumble to the ground dramatically. Iida eyes you with a hint of annoyance as well, despite trying to be polite for his family name.

The two of you had never agreed on one little thing, and that would for sure cause problems.

You were made for strategizing your arms were your best weapon, and physically you were quite flexible. Iida was the opposite- made very clear with the Stain incident- he wasn't a very good on-the-spot strategist and his legs were what kept him going in a battle, as well as being phycially very stiff and more reactive than proactive, unlike you. As a pair, you really did have potential to defeat this guy, but you weren't going to listen to eachother properly.

"I'm gonna faillll." you pout.

Iida turns to you with a gasp, clearly offended. "YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL??? I AS CLASS PRESIDENT HAVE A STANDARD TO UPHOLD-"

"STOP TRYNA TAKE MY JOB- ugh, and we we're thrid. Great."

You and the other three from the shit Stain bullshit all get yelled at again for some reason (you aren't listening at all), before being left to watch the battles or strategize.

You opt for watching, trusting in your abilities, while Iida disagrees heavily.

"I cannot let us go out and fail this test simply because you decide to be lazy!!"

"First of all, call me lazy again and I'll shave your eyebrows off, and second chill out dude. You obviously have a hard time thinking quickly, this is good practice. At worst, you follow my lead and get to experience not being in control for once! I know that's probably hard for you, but it's a skill you gotta build up."

"Maybe you need to learn the skill of being prepared rather than waiting- planning isn't a fault!!"

You continue to bicker like an old married couple, until you cave.

"Fine fine, lets think." you sigh, "Running is our best shot. We're both build for short range attacks, and the way he works we can't get up close to him. Best options is to pussy out since we aren't the type of heroes for this shit. If you wanna be cocky and defeat the little shit, then his disadvantages are these: he isn't very smart and his technique is off. He isn't the best with controling himself per say, and if we can get him distracted enough, we can get a good hit on him. That sound good, Mr. Vice President?"

The boy stands there, watching you with wide eyes as you open up a pack of gummy bears, downing the thing for extra strength and energy.

Iida hates to admit it, but you're smart. "I...I agree. The best option is to run for it."

You wink. "I knew you'd agree, baby. It was too good of a response for you not to."

The blueberry boy's face goes bright red and he yells at you for being "inappropriate in the workplace" to which you blow him a kiss to set him off more.

After what seems like forever, you're finally called up, and everyone wishes you luck as you skip into the staged area.

As soon as the time is called, you hop on Iida's back, totally accidental knocking on his helemt. Yup, totally on accident.

You give Power Loader a moment to get underground to avoid any fights up on the surface.

As Iida runs, he avoids dirt traps set while big soil explosions go off all around you.

As quick as it starts it ends, and you make it through the gate.

Having passed so easily, you almost feel disappointed. You slouch into Iida without even realizing it, sighing with a frown.

He hesitates, before speaking up. He then remembers your exhausted form in the hospital, getting upset at the idea of not being in the same room as himself and the others. Not just Todoroki, not just Izuku, but him too. You said his name with so much respect that night, and he can't seem to get it off his mind.

"W-what's the matter?"

"The matter is," you start. "That was way to easyyyy. I wanted something fun. This was not fun. That's why I like to plan in the moment. I like the challenge, even if it's only for a little bit."

Taking off his helemt, Iida nods. "I understand that. I never thought about it that way. Although I don't exactly feel the same way, I get why you would take pleasure in the physical aspects of such a task. I've seen you at the gym before, and even heard stories from classmates of your training. You seem to work hard to keep yourself healthy and ready for a fight, and I understand why that would be disappointing. I'm...sorry this training couldn't bring that satisfaction to you."

You smile, ruffiling his hair with a giggle before cuddling into him a bit more.

"Don't sweat it Blue Jay, it's not your fault. I'm sure we'll do something exciting soon." you stop for a second before your smile widens. "Piggy back ride to the waiting room?"

With a quick chuckles, Tenya nods, starting back off to the rest of the class.

He takes his time, however. Not only to cool down his quirk, but to keep you by his side just a little longer. He doesn't know why, but he does it.


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