Queen of Hell: Chapter 22: Sarah

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Igor had organized for the repair of the windows within a few hours; he was remaining at the apartment to wait for them while Anton and I went to the underworld. The conversation during the second call Anton had taken while the detective was around had him in an odd mood. It was perplexing, to say the least.

He'd returned from the corridor with a grim and forced smile, waited for the detective to leave and then started altering things. Personal possessions were made to disappear. Apparently, they were going to our living quarters at the castle. It was also where my clothes and accessories were. Once Anton was satisfied with what remained, he had a brief discussion with Igor about what he desired to happen next. Then we were on our way. No waiting to see what was going on with the shop, no discussing the next course of action. It was like Anton had already decided and that was it.

We appeared in what looked like a sitting room. Everything was red and gold. It might seem a little overdone, but it was so rich and vibrant it was stunning. The floor had a red and creamy colored tapestry laid out on it; the cornice was gilded which seemed a little excessive. One large chandelier hung from a ceiling rose, lighting the room and making it incredibly warm from the candles on it. I'd never seen a chandelier with candles.

I wandered to the windows, thumbing the drapes that were a rich red velvet. Maybe it was a little too much red. As I looked out to hell, I saw how much red was in this place. The sun was red which cast a red glow upon the land. The leaves were different shades of red and orange; even a few brown ones had slipped into the view.

"Is every room red?"

"No, just this one."

I don't know why I was shocked. Maybe it was because I thought Anton didn't know what color was. Going from the stark white colors of his high-rise apartment in New York to this, a sea of red and gold. It was vastly different.

Maybe he'd over colored himself here and decided against any color for the apartment. Maybe he liked to theme a room to one color and nothing more. I had to investigate the other rooms; then I might be able to figure out the mystery that is my husband.

Turning from the view of hell, I looked at the lounges that were covered in large white sheets to keep the dust off them.

Anton was frowning as he stalked his way across the room.

"I told them that we were on our way. I asked them to prepare the place for us."

"It's only a few sheets, Anton. You're going to pop a vein if you're not careful."

Because I could see that this wasn't about sheets, this was about something far bigger.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on or do you wish to keep a secret from your wife?"

He huffed and ripped the sheet off the nearest lounge, one that looked like it was ancient but it was in pristine condition, not a tear in the fabric, not a mark on the wood. Anton sat down, waiting for me to join him.

I sat at his insistence, his hands taking mine and with a somber face he opened his mouth and killed any form of a good mood I might have had.

"There was a threat on the wall in your shop. One of my demons took a walk through the fire and found it. Don't worry, no human will see it. An angel started the fire and left the message."

Angels start fires. It seemed blasphemous even to consider thinking about it as a real statement. But after my run in with Michael, I'd say it was possible. When it came to the devil, the angels were prepared to do anything to stop him.

"What did it say?"

"Battle, open field, queen, dead."

I didn't know what to say. It's pretty sad when heaven wants you dead. I now understood why I was at the castle, here he could protect me completely, on Earth he could not. Anton pulled me into his embrace, holding me tight as I thought about everything that was wrong about the situation.

"I'm never going to see my shop or apartment again, am I?"

"I don't know Sarah; I cannot give you a definite answer. There may be a time when it will be okay then again; it may never happen. Igor is going to tend to all of the loose ends. He will bring the remainder of your things to you. The apartment block will remain as is, for the time being; I will have someone organize for tenants to go into the place."

"And the shop?"

"Igor will rebuild it. He will pretend that there are contractors, but it will be his new set of skills."

I sat up and looked at Anton, wondering what he meant by that statement.


"Yes, pump the information into his mind, and the man now knows how to perform subdued magic. It allows him to carry out such tasks as rebuilding your shop with the wave of a few fingers and a little mind control. He knows to put up a wall to protect himself from the prying eyes of the humans and to take a reasonable time that would indicate that contractors did the work. Demon workers will go in and out as if they are working on the place and to those that look on, it will seem like a shop being rebuilt."

"And the cops?"

"Won't find an answer as to who or why because angels don't leave any evidence that a human will find. With no insurance claim, they won't look at you for fraud and as for paying for these so called works."

Anton shrugged with a slight smile. "Charity is a beautiful thing. Many will give to the little shop that was callously burned down."

I snuggled into Anton's arms, contemplating how he always had an answer. To him, there was always a path ahead, it may not be easy, but it was there. All we had to do was take that first step.

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