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      KAKASHI WATCHED AS THE GIRL COLLAPSED IN FRONT OF HIM BEFORE SLOWLY lowering his kunai, but his grip around it still remained tight

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      KAKASHI WATCHED AS THE GIRL COLLAPSED IN FRONT OF HIM BEFORE SLOWLY lowering his kunai, but his grip around it still remained tight. He heard Obito's sound of disapproval from behind him, and before he could say another word the hyperactive Uchiha rushed in front of him and lifted the girl up off the floor.

      "You were supposed to catch her," Obito scolded as he brushed the hair from the girl's messy face so he could feel her pulse.

      "Why?" Kakashi asked, and heard Rin's scoff next.

      "You were obviously the closest," Obito said with a frown.

      "She could be an enemy," Kakashi said with a sigh. "Waiting for us to drop our guard." 

      All three looked at her, broken, bleeding, and barely breathing, before Obito and Rin both looked towards Kakashi with mirrored scowls. "You can be a real jerk sometimes," Rin said with a frown, rushing to the fallen girl's side.

      As their early assessment concluded, the unknown girl was not just covered in blood, but suffering from blood-loss. Rin noticed that her feet were one of the many things still oozing, covered in shards of class and small rocks, embedded in flesh. Rin could barely tell what shade her hair was from the ash and blood and dirt. Her robes were ripped and filthy, and when Obito turned her body upright in his lap, Kakashi saw that her skin was covered in blotches of dirt. It was smeared in black, the same blackness that came from running through fires and smoke. Both boys looked away when they finally noticed her kimono had been ripped open, revealing the remnants of a Hadajyuban, stained with splotches of blood. 

       "She's still alive," Obito told Rin as the girl sat adjacent to him and began to clean her shoulder wound. For a moment, Rin didn't even know where to start, feeling overwhelmed and panicked. Obito must have picked up on that, and she stiffened as he touched her shoulder. "It's okay, Rin. You can only do what you can, but I'm here too." Rin felt the ghost of a smile on her lips, nodding even though it felt as if her heart was moments from giving out. 

      "Only just..." Rin's brows furrowed as she inspected the girl's outer appearance, assessing what to do next. "It's going to be okay," she whispered, taking another deep breath. She had to stop the bleeding on the shoulder. Rin hovered her hands over the area, and performed the appropriate symbols, watching them glow green. The girl winced, her lips dry and cracked, causing a pain to echo throughout Rin's heart. "Kakashi, get some water. Please."

      Kakashi obeyed, grabbing the canteen of water and kneeling down next to the girl. He sat next to the girl's head, and gently placing his hand on the back of her neck to hold her up and prevent choking before he put the canteen's opening in between her lips. The girl's hand began to twitch as the liquid began to slowly drip in between her dry lips and ran down to her ears. When he noticed it fall out of her mouth, he tilted the canteen less, slowing the flow and giving her a chance to drink it all. Her eyes began to twitch open, unfocused as they met Kakashi's patient gaze.

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