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CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT____________–•–

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      I could never forget because of the heat as if my calves were swelling with every move.

       It was mid-summer when Rin awoke with a bleeding heart, daring the pain to depart as she remembered the many times her mother would awaken her to the smell of freshly cooked miso, rice, fish, all the things Rin never really liked but ate because her mother loved to make them. It was always something new, and Rin had no way of knowing just how thankful she should have been until those normal meals were gone forever. When Anomie was nowhere to be seen, Rin was alone with her miserable thoughts.

      The war continued without any signs of ending, and Rin missed everything that it took away from her. She missed just hanging out with her friends and talking about how exciting it was going to be when they became ninja. As if it were ever anything to be excited about in that small window before the next Shinobi war. This was long before Asuma had taken up smoking, long before his mother had been murdered, long before the pressure of being the Hokage's son had overtaken him. This was long before Kurenai was forced to give every last dime she made on missions just to raise three brothers as if she were both their mother and father after her own parents were slaughtered on the front lines. This was before Kakashi's father committed suicide for reasons that Rin never heard.

        The morning was hot enough to melt a block of ice in seconds, but Rin began to shiver as she pressed her head in between her knees. Her mother hadn't been home for so long, and yet Rin didn't feel this lonely since she held onto the hope that she would return. Tears soaked through her loose cotton pants, but she barely realized that she was crying.

        "Would you feel better if I dragged Kakashi here by his ear?" Anomie's voice broke through the tension and Rin looked up to see the girl holding a wooden tray filled with food. The smell of fried tofu filtered through the air. Anomie set it down on the bed, her hair pulled over her shoulder and it dipped down when she leaned. Rin couldn't help but feel a bit plain and sloppy around the girl and she subconsciously began to notice her own ragged appearance.

      "What's that?" Rin asked, attempting to hide the tears from before as she used the back of her hand to wipe them away. Anomie slightly smiled, sitting down, her sundress creasing as the coral tint of her lips glistened when they quirked up.

      "Breakfast," Anomie reminded her, gesturing to the steaming bowl of white rice that rested next to the bowl of fried tofu and wakame miso soup. Next to that was another plate of chicken fried with curry spices and a bowl of mustard spinach, egg, daikon mixed with soy sauce and vinegar.

       The meal was very similar to the one that her mother woke her up with on her birthday only a year prior. Her beautiful mother, who loved to cook, but was so bad at it. "You didn't come home last night."

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