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        SHE HAD NEVER STARED AT A DEAD BODY for as long as she had that night

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        SHE HAD NEVER STARED AT A DEAD BODY for as long as she had that night. His eyes bulged out and his tongue hung out of his mouth when she chopped his head clean off his neck. She grabbed the severed head by the hair and just stared. Oddly enough, seeing it in front of her didn't give her the relieved feeling she was expecting.

Somewhere, deep in her subconscious, she had an irrational belief that if she did this then her mother would come back to her. How insane and impossible, but of course, lately her thoughts weren't very rational. Every day felt like one more step towards insanity. She knew that once she got there, then she wasn't ever coming back.

In her attempt for her own means, she had made the only person left in this world that she actually cared about suffer. What was worse was that if she went back in time, she'd do it again. And again. And again. Not because she didn't care about him, or that he didn't hold a permanent compartment in her heart because he did. She'd do it again because after so long feeling nothing, the guilt and pain and anger was a relief and filled her life with something other than the monotonous everyday bore.

Anomie sealed the head in a scroll, those feelings beginning to creep back. Humanity was funny that way. No matter how many times she tried to ignore it or push it away, it always found a way to creep back in. However, she had come so far, and she couldn't let it overtake her.

Would she feel guilt if Kakashi got his career set back a couple of years because of her?

When she met up with Konan an hour later at their hiding spot, she concluded that this was her mission and her path. Her feelings meant nothing and her desires meant nothing so long as they both didn't interfere with what she needed to do.

The was no going back. Only forward. Now that he was dead, while it served as no relief, it was better than before. It was better that Kakashi thought of her negatively and it was better that Dairo was dead. She didn't need anyone to care about her. She didn't need anyone.

Konan knelt down, grabbing ahold of Anomie's arm and inspecting the cut that traveled deep and long up the side of her arm. Anomie hadn't noticed she even got injured and she didn't care to remember. Her humanity tasted so fresh and seared through her.

"You were reckless today," Konan informed her and Anomie slightly chuckled.

"I realize that. Reckless and foolish. You probably think it best if Tamaki Dairo evaded me," Anomie replied, glancing towards Konan's nimble fingers as she began to clean off the wound with a bit of water and a small piece of her robe. She spoke so highly of the uniform, but there she was, ripping it to clean a foolish wound.

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