Hezā no hana

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        WHEN ANOMIE AWOKE SHE WAS SURROUNDED BY THE BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT OF an empty room. The ceiling was tiled, and clean without a single spec of dirt, and she found her gaze running down to the bright walls and the tiled floor. She slowly noticed two doors, one leading to a hallway, judging by the people walking back and forth through the small window, and another door, probably leading to a bathroom.

      She glanced down and saw an IV in her arm and rope, tying each wrist to the bed. A feeling of panic welled up her throat, an all encompassing panic and horror spreading over her body like static. Her brows furrowed as she instantly tried to tug them off, but a jolt of pain flooded through her weakened arms and she lost the strength to continue. She groaned, laying her head back against her pillow. The horror and confusion had spread, leaving her in a state of desperation. It was clawing at her, and slowly the memories all came, not one after another, but more so a horrid torrent of memories. It left an overwhelming sensation, leaving her gasping for air. 

     Ohashi's throat had been slit, but only a shallow cut to the left side of her neck. It had been a gruesome sight, an unfitting end to a powerful woman. Anomie trembled with the memories, with the sound of her only friend's gasp, her horrid moans of pain, and it all filled her head. Anomie had held her hand, watched as Ohashi cried, dying there where she didn't deserve to be. 

      "You're awake!" came the excited voice of Rin, as the girl entered the room with an arm full of flowers. She rushed to the tied girl's side, placing the flowers on the nightstand before facing the other girl. "I was so worried. On the way back you started convulsing....we thought you weren't going to make it...I was scared."

      "Why am I tied up?" Anomie asked, finding that her throat didn't hurt nearly as much as it once did. Rin sheepishly scratched her head, an apologetic expression filtering over her face.

      "Well, when we brought you here...you woke up...we don't blame you...but you sort of went violent and wouldn't stop hitting and kicking." Rin said, causing Anomie to nod in return, trying to block out her own panic.

      "I see." Anomie didn't see anything. She took a shaky breath, staring up at the blindingly white ceiling and wishing she hadn't woken up. 

      "Well, not that I didn't want to visit you, but I'm actually supposed to ask you a couple of questions about the attack. Is that okay?" Rin stated, and Anomie shrugged, finding the action made a shot of pain spread through her shoulder. She didn't make a sound when it filled her body, striking her nerves like needles. She was used to pain by now, and she was taught to be quiet. "I can wait until you rest some more..."

      "I don't care," Anomie said, as she met Rin's eager glance. "Go ahead. Rest won't change my answers."

      "For starters, we searched your clothes and found this," Rin lifted a scroll from her belt and placed it on the bed beside the tied girl, whose eyes tiredly followed it. She remembered, through her blur of memories, Ohashi being desperate for it, always the martyr. How predictable, Anomie thought with a confusing mess of bitterness and fondness. She could only vaguely remember taking it from one of the Kumo ninjas in the main house, but the memory was foggy and made her head hurt. "Do you know what this is?"

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