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ANOMIE OFTEN FELT SHE WAS AN ECHO, REVERBERATING AGAINST A CAVERN that had no end. She was an echo of Fuyu. She was an echo of Kyoko. She was an echo of Kiyomi. She was an echo of Anomie. It felt like with each name she took up to replace the prior one had made her grow further and further away from the reality of her life.

So hearing her name from the Third's lips didn't make her feel much of anything. "Anomie."

"Visiting hours are over," Anomie's response was short, and her legs were folded in a crisscross. Her bed lay perfectly made behind her, and her eyes were closed with two Anbu who stood stationed on each of her sides. She doubted they knew she ditched the confinement of the apartment at night, leaving behind a clone in her place.

She doubted they knew that she'd visit Kakashi out of spite, and Kakashi obviously didn't plan on ratting her out. In those moments, in the night, in between soft whispers of conversation, she felt like that girl again. That girl who had just begun to heal under Rin's caring heart. For a moment, she went back in time, reminiscing and smiling with him. But, Anomie couldn't stay that girl. There were too many reminders that there was no going back. She could only move forward, and she wondered if Kakashi would like the woman she was bound to become. Anomie wasn't even sure that she liked that woman, but she couldn't stop the hunger that panged in her body, the craving for more.

Mostly, she wanted fresh air, as she had grown spoiled on the open winds. As a whore in Kemuri, she hadn't gone outside much, so being able to feel the sun cooking on her skin was like miracle she never even bothered to dream. She liked the gold, the heat, the freedom to be who she wanted, even if she wasn't becoming who she would like. Orochimaru would understand. He always understood.

"Games are rather beneath you," the Third let out a light chuckle, signaling the two Anbu to disperse. They sent each other weary glances, but bowed and walked out of the apartment immediately.

"There's not much else to do since my suspension," she admitted, not bothering to open her eyes as she continued meditating. A calming exercise, as Orochimaru had recommended. She was "too rash and abrasive" he would say, but she felt restless.

"I am working on your release," he admitted, his pipe balancing in between his lips.

She finally opened her eyes, but remained expressionless, "Why?"

"That's why I'm here." The man's eyes spoke a different story, and in a mere instant he dropped a folder of documents in front of her.

Her eyes watched it fall, but they slowly met his gaze the next second, "I don't have much interest in paperwork, Lord Hokage. Not in Anbu, and definitely not now." The chill of her voice obviously had no affect on him, and he merely raised a brow. The wrinkles in his face becoming more prominant the more she stared at them, examining the 'kind' old man who had successfully watched her life be torn apart as she had just begun to rebuild it from the ashes.

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