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      LUCK HAD BEEN AGAINST HER EVER SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD, FISHING BY THE RIVER while her mother sold vegetables at the market

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      LUCK HAD BEEN AGAINST HER EVER SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD, FISHING BY THE RIVER while her mother sold vegetables at the market. If it were anyone else, perhaps things would have been different and she wouldn't have to get within five feet of a demon's heart. Sadly, Anomie's life had never been blessed with luck, and rather, it was cursed with constant broken mirrors and black cats crossing in front of her eyes.

       Or maybe those were excuses and she was just incapable of doing any good in the world. Incapable of making any of the right decisions.

      Anomie couldn't get near the demon, Naruto, without Kakashi noticing her. Someone as strong as him and as perceptive as him would see through any attempt in trickery. That was why she took notice to some little child with long hair that rested down to the middle of her back. The girl was so bright and happy and pink. Anomie didn't much care for children, and even less so now.

      "Sakura! Hurry up!" rang a woman's voice, and Anomie glanced left through the partition of tree branches, towards the blonde girl with equally as long hair that rested past her elbows in a ponytail.

      "I'll catch up with you later," Sakura replied as she gathered her books into a pile on her desk. "I have to go check in with my mom this time." Sakura scoffed, sounding annoyed. "She got mad last time I didn't ask."

      The blonde girl huffed, causing bangs to scatter upwards. "Alright, but if you're too late, then I'll just have to have Sasuke all to myself."

      Anomie raised an eyebrow, are they stalking someone? It was with calm bemusement that she noticed a raven haired Uchiha boy in the back with all the attention of the female population in awe.

      Anomie let out a sigh, shutting her eyes and rolling them when her lids opened. "Maybe I should choose someone else..."

      The truth was, Sakura would probably have the most affect. She was loud and bright and colorful.

      "This is going to be annoying," Anomie muttered out, watching as the students left the school one by one, heading home for the night. They were so happy that it made Anomie sick to her stomach.

      Sakura was rather clueless when it came to her surroundings, and didn't notice when Anomie tossed a kunai with wire attached to the end, into the ground. The wire caught on the girl's leg, causing her to sprawl to the ground.

      Anomie's lips twitched in amusement as she jumped out of the trees, her kimono loose at her sides as she walked towards the child. "Are you alright? That was quite the fall."

      Anomie held out her hand, watching as Sakura stared at it for a short moment before placing her palm into Anomie's awaiting grasp.

      "Thanks," Sakura said, her eyes running over the woman's perfect face and perfectly sized forehead.

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