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      WHEN SHE JOINED ANBU, SHE HAD PURPOSE AND DIRECTION AFTER SO LONG in the dark. She had grown attached to filling the emptiness with the paperwork and the never ending missions, as if the hole would fill. However, it didn't look like any joy was to be had that cold mid-winter when Anomie was assigned to dispose of a child's mangled body. It didn't snow in Konoha, but the streets were covered in frost and breath turned misty when it protruded through open lips. Anomie had been minding her own business, jumping roof to roof in attempts to get back to her shower and escape the cold air that pierced her skin. Her muscles were sore and her eyes were sagging, likely fixed with dark bags, as she felt ready to collapse at any given second.

      Any other time, she might have just slept on the roof like a cat, but the cold weather and the glimpse of blood on a dirt road caught her attention. She still found herself tempted to leave, but she held her ground and jumped next to the corpse. The blood made it almost difficult to guess the gender, but judging by the height, the kid couldn't be more than 6 years old.

      She shut her eyes and looked up towards the sky, wondering what grand injustice she committed to saddle her up with every tragic and controversial murder in Konoha.

      She ignore her lamenting as she knelt down and placed two fingers on the mangled neck, already knowing that the chance of finding a pulse was slim to none. However, she refused to let it be known that she didn't at least try. As expected, there was no movement and her fingers were bloody by the time she pulled away.

      Twice that night, she contemplated just leaving and taking a shower. She even got ready to hop away and let the next unlucky jerk deal with the intense amount of paperwork that came with a report on a child's demise in the boundaries of Konoha's borders.

      But, knowing her luck, she'd be the one assigned to clean up duty in the end. Dirty jobs always got passed to the 'monster' of Anbu.

      By the time the first scream rumbled in the street, Anomie physically shuddered at the civilian child's shout of "Help" as if doing so would bring the mangled corpse back to life. Anomie truly hated children sometimes, and as a crowd began to form, all chances to just leave faded in some forgotten corner that she couldn't reach.

      "What happened?" The whispering began and Anomie had no experience on how to calm it down. Would it be insensitive to just toss a blanket over the corpse and drag its bleeding form to the dumpster?

      Anomie finally turned towards the crowd that had begun to gather in a disorganized mess of fear and horror. She raised her hands up, her eyes narrowing as her voice lowered to represent authority. "Step back." No one seemed to listen to her for a moment, but when she raised her killing intent they all took a step back while she let out a sigh of relief.

      The panic of murmurs didn't dissipate as Anomie turned back towards the body and took out a small sealing scroll from her holster. Sealing the living was nearly impossible, but sealing the dead should do the trick.

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