Behind the Scenes [5]

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      "Do you ever have difficulties getting into character," the interviewer asked, watching as Anomie twiddled with the hem of her dress as Kakashi sighed from next to her. "Not to sound crass, but your character does some pretty effed up things throughout the story."

      Anomie pursed her lips, meeting the interviewer's eyes before smiling. "To be honest, I find her character to be quite refreshing. She's not written to be this weak little girl who cries all the time and always laments over past hardships with self pity and excuses. She's humorous and fun to play."

      "Didn't she rip out like 40 pairs of eyes?"

      "I didn't say she was perfect," Anomie answered with a smile, causing the interviewer to laugh,

      "So, onto the topic that twitter has been aflame about," as the woman spoke, Anomie and Kakashi both held back a cringe. "You two have amazing on-screen chemistry, have you ever considering taking up your character's relationship in real life?"

      "Well, we've talked about it, but we both agreed that we make better friends," Anomie said, and Kakashi shrugged from next to her.

      "You don't date who you work with," Kakashi agreed, hoping it would suffice to end the rumors while not compromising their reputations.

     "So is that to say that you would date after the series is over," the interviewer asked and Anomie met Kakashi's gaze with a glance of mirth.

      "To be honest, he's my soul mate. Not romantically, but that one friend who you spend the entire night talking with before falling asleep in weird positions or hanging out watching Netflix," Anomie explained.

      "Same," Kakashi agreed, causing Anomie to let out a laugh.

      "How did you two meet on set anyway?" asked the interviewer, and Kakashi almost immediately began shaking his head back and forth with his palm against his cheek.

      "As you know, whilst working in the porn industry," Anomie explained, and her words made Kakashi smile. "I have made nearly two hundred adult films. One or two was bound to make it around the set on my first day. To say the least, the taunting was enough to hurt my feelings."

      "They all did apologize later," Kakashi chimed.

     "Well, that's true. Anyway, I'm sitting by myself and here this guy comes up with a sock over his hand and says, 'would you like me to sock them?' I kid you not, my juice came out of my nose."

"It was the most embarrassing thing I had ever said in my life, but this girl starts squirting juice through her nose so I'm thinking, 'I would totally marry this girl'," Kakashi explained and Anomie glanced to the side with chuckle.

"That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. So why won't you two just date already?"

"I know, one would think we were perfect together, but after our first date which we spent the entire time shooting down ten year olds in laser tag, we decided we make much better friends," Anomie explained and Kakashi chuckled once more.

"Some people have that romantic spark. We don't, so we decided, nah," he chimed in, and the two glanced at each other with a smirk.

"I believe my parents were also very adamant about our relationship," Kakashi continued with a grin.

"His dad calls me every Friday to ask if I plan on marrying his son yet," Anomie laughed.

"My parents really love the show," Kakashi informed the host with a smile. "I keep on telling them that it's fantasy and the kisses aren't real, but parents, what are you to do?"

"I'm sure this conversation is going to make a lot of fans very disappointed," the host said with a sigh, causing Anomie and Kakashi to share a glance.

"That's life you know, but tell you what, if we decide that we ever want to take up being an actual couple, we will let everyone know," Anomie held up her pinkie and Kakashi intertwined his through it.

"There goes my day," the host said with a sigh, causing both Anomie and Kakashi to chuckle.

      "We actually think it's really sweet so many people want us together behind the scenes, and it really makes me feel like my acting is good enough to make people react so strongly," Anomie said with a smile. "I never thought I'd make it into the actual acting business so I'm really quite thankful I've gotten so far."

      "Same," Kakashi agreed and Anomie scowled at him.

      "Don't you have your own opinion?" she asked, unaware of the host's smile as she looked at the two of them.

      "Nah," he said.

      "Also," Anomie continued with a bit more of a smile. "It introduced me to my best friend who I get to see like everyday and get paid for it."

      "Same," he agreed.

      Anomie's eyes narrowed on him.

Author's Note

They are just adorable. I can't. If someone walked up to me with a sock on their hand like that I would fall in love in a heartbeat.

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