Behind the Scenes [7]

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"Tabloids really like to attack us, boo," Anomie said, making an airplane noise as she hovered her spoon of ice cream into her mouth. He glanced her way, raising a single eyebrow as she continued to read the article on her sex life with Kakashi. "Oh my poopie. Read this: Anomie and Kakashi are officially together. Reports catch them holding hands while walking in the park with obvious chemistry in their pace."

"Ridiculous," Kakashi agreed in a deadpan as she made another airplane noise, this time sending the spoon straight into his mouth.

"We held hands for like five seconds. People need to chill," Anomie reached over with a napkin to wipe away a bit of chocolate sauce that had fell from the spoon and onto his cheek. "Like I held hands with my mom as I crossed the streets. What's the deal?"

"Did you though?" Kakashi asked with a knowing smile.

"I admit, it was more like hold onto the grocery bag that held her eight bottles of brandy, but it's a start," she said with a shrug. "I don't know. Maybe we should try dating again." At her response, he nearly choked on his water, feeling it burn up his nose.

"I've asked you to give me a warning before you start making couple jokes," he told her, shaking his head as she laughed.

"I'm not joking dude," she told him. "I mean, I've been thinking. We legit kiss all the time on set. I don't hate it. Although, we agreed, next time to not eat watermelon before hand. You know I'm allergic," she told him, an odd fact considering her character loved the fruit.

"You're serious?" His face slightly lit up.

"We already love each other. Why not try one more time to see if it's romantic and not weird friendship that is so close that it made my ex boyfriend break up with me," she said, leaning over her kitchen table and placing her hand against his cheek.

"Wait right now?" He backed up in the kitchen nook, away from her hand.

"It's been two months since we last kissed, and we've never done it without a camera swirling around us. How about it?" She scooted her ice cream away and took out her chap stick, puckering her lips and coating them.

"You're freaking me out. I asked you not to make these jokes anymore," Kakashi said noticing she was laughing before she sat down in her seat and began to eat more ice cream.

"Chill," she told him, leaning her cheek on her palm, her elbow resting on the table. "You get so jumpy. Makes my heart burst."

He rolled his eyes and stood up, turning around to walk away. Anomie's eyes widened, afraid she actually made him mad. She quickly stood to follow him, nearly tripping on her own heels

"Come on, I'm sorry. Don't be mad. I won't do it again-" she didn't get to finish her sentence as he turned towards her, nearly causing her to crash into his neck. She glanced up in surprise, but his eyes were elsewhere as he gripped onto his head and brought her closer. Unlike the kisses on set, this one was unplanned. She had no chance to prep or distance herself as his soft lips pressed against hers.

It wasn't like the movies or books or the heated passionate kisses between their characters. Kissing him didn't make flowers bloom or any of that cheesy crap that made her blush. It was just tiny tingles, and the feeling of awareness. She felt her adrenaline spike as she noticed the smell of his cologne, the feeling of his fingers tangled in her hair, the way his head was tilted so she could feel the sharpness of his jaw as she ran her hand up it.

It left her breathless and awake when he slowly separated, his eyes searching for an answer as to if they both felt something. That part was awkward and dangerous. This was not the time to disagree about anything.

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