Behind the Scenes [6]

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      "Kakashi?" Anomie awoke to the sound of her window being opened as Kakashi snuck in through the opening and into her room. "The hell?" She was still half asleep so she couldn't fully tell if he was even in front of her, but when he held up his phone to the screen of Pokémon Go, she knew he was.

      "There's a Pikachu in here," he told her as he made the motion of catching it while she just sat up and stared at him with a deadpan.

     "So you climbed into my window at 7 in the morning," she asked, lifting up her phone.

      "What are you doing?" he asked as she sleepily moved her finger over her screen.

      "There's a Pikachu in my room," she said, mid yawn. "Imma catch it." Anomie fell asleep after motioning to catch it, muttering, "gotta catch em' all...Pokémon."

      Kakashi watched her head slump against her pillow with a slight smile, contemplating climbing back out to his apartment next door, but instead he walked over next to her and tucked her into bed. Her eyes cracked open mid tuck and her lips spread into a smile as she pulled him down next to her.

"I didn't catch the Pikachu," she whispered as she nuzzled into his chest, hearing his heart beating in a soothing rhythm.

"Me neither," he said in return as he pat her head. The sleepovers were a bit different than ones he had when he was just hanging out with friends back when he was younger, but it was soothing all the same.

      Anomie snuggled closer to him, sucking up every last bit of warmth she could before she began to snore.

      "And the soothing night is gone," he muttered just as she let out a loud snort. "Shhh," he cooed, hoping it would shut her up so he could sleep. She didn't take his urging well as she only got louder. "God it's like you're possessed."

      He held her nose, watching as she opened her mouth, subconsciously knowing that if she didn't then she would suffocate. He got a few moments of silence before she whacked his hand away and continued snoring louder as if she was a bear captured from the wild.

     "Yeah I'm going home," he muttered, carefully sitting up and walking over to the window.

      "Where are you going?" Anomie asked, her tone groggy and sleep deprived. Even so, she sounded disappointed and that caused him to sigh.

      "I can't sleep next to you. You snore," he reminded her, watching as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

      "You kick," he commented.

      "You hog the blankets."

      "Because you kick. Not to mention sleepwalk."

      "You grab my butt."

      "I like your butt. You talk."

      "Talking is cute!" She defended herself adamantly.

      "You told me that someone was on my shoulders last week. That's not cute! It's creepy."

      "Come back to bed," she said with a smile, opening the covers and patting the mattress. He let out a reluctant sigh but complied. The moment he laid down next to her, she snuggled closer and brought out her phone, taking a quick selfie of them and posting it on Instagram.

      "Really?" Kakashi chuckled, watching as she added the caption 'a bit of Pokémon Go and Chill?'

      "I like the attention," she whispered.

      "This is why I'm still single," he said with a sigh.

      "Yes. Or because you are secretly in love with me."

      They both laughed at that before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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