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      WHEN HE WAS FIRST ASSIGNED TO BECOME A TEACHER BY THE HOKAGE, Kakashi had been certain that such a job was above anything he deserve

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      WHEN HE WAS FIRST ASSIGNED TO BECOME A TEACHER BY THE HOKAGE, Kakashi had been certain that such a job was above anything he deserve. He believed that he would get it wrong and that he didn't deserve it. Now, Kakashi found it more than annoying that he was constantly getting teams that failed the simplest of lessons. He didn't understand why it was so difficult for them to grasp teamwork.

      "Didn't it take Obito's death for you to grasp it?" Anomie would have said in the past.

      Even in his own imagination she never said anything kind.

      He was half way home when Gai had jumped out in front of him with his signature green spandex hugging his curves as he posed with one hip leaning out and his pointer finger directed at the sky. Kakashi briefly contemplated which bleach flavor to soak his eyes with in order to forget the way the spandex cupped Gai's lower body.

      "Kakashi, my eternal rival, I challenge you," Gai said inching closer without breaking pose.

      "Don't thrust at me," Kakashi told him in return.

      "I didn't hear you say no," Gai said in return, finally breaking his pose and stroking his chin.

      "Let me rectify that," Kakashi said. "No."

      "Now, I am sure you are demoralized from the last time I beat you," Gai said in return.

      "It was a tie but sure," Kakashi began what he knew was about to turn into an irrational debate on Gai's end, but he spoke anyway.

      "Aren't your ready to sow your oats," Gai's change in topic was not welcomed and it was kind of gross. Kakashi began to wonder what prompted him to take this route to get home instead of the quicker route through the hotel district. "Kakashi, my rival, I'm going to teach you how to live."


      "It's about time we have a challenge on the majesty of women," Gai continued, making Kakashi attempt an exit plan.

      "You know, as great as that sounds," I would rather die. "I actually left the stove on, so I'm in a bit of a hurry."

      "Nice try, Kakashi-kun, but I won't fall for that again," Gai replied, wrapping an arm around Kakashi's shoulders.

      I should have gone with the new mission excuse, Kakashi thought with a sigh.

      Gai walked Kakashi along, but moments later, Kakashi's body turned into a log. "You got me again Kakashi."

      On his way home, trying to avoid Gai, he saw Jiraiya leaning against his apartment building, holding a book that rested loose in his fingers.

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