Chapter Seven // Chocolate Milk & Blushing Cheeks

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I woke up on the couch, feeling tired yet well rested at the same time. I sat up, taking in my surroundings. A blue blanket was wrapped around me, and Johnny was sleeping in the arm chair next to me.

He looked so precious. His black hair was shaggy against his forehead, and his pink lips were curled into a small smile. I just wanted to kiss him. He had a purple blanket, and he was hugging it. I wished he was hugging me, instead.

I got up, feeling thirsty. I quietly tiptoed to the kitchen, wanting chocolate milk. I don't know why, but I craved it. When I walked into the room, I got a glass, the milk, and the chocolate syrup.

I began to make my drink when I heard shuffling from behind me. I turned around, and was met with one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen.

In front of me, Johnny's hair was disheveled, and his eyes were sparkling. His skin was also glowing, and his shirt was slightly lifted up, so I could see his toned stomach. On top of that, his pants were low on his hips, making him look even more desirable.

I had to force myself to look away from him. He was absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't risk an "incident."

I went back to mixing my drink, when I felt his arms wrap around my waist. My face immediately heated up. His body was warm.

"What're you doing, Pony?" asked Johnny. His breath was hot against my neck, and I shivered.

"I'm making chocolate milk. Do'ya want some?" I replied. I turned around to face him.

"Sure, sure. Chocolate milk sounds great right now," he said, nodding his head. He was clearly tired, but didn't want me to know. He was squinting his eyes.

I just smiled at him, and got to work on his drink. I didn't feel like impressing him right now. I felt tired and lazy, and clearly Johnny didn't care about how he looked right now. I just hoped that he wouldn't pull his pants up, and his shirt down.

"Hey, Pone?" questioned Johnny. I hummed in response, signalling that I was listening to him.

"What happened last night? I don't really remember, I'm super sleepy," he said. I could tell that he was laughing. I loved when he laughed.

I thought back to last night, and how we made up. I also remembered that I realized I truly loved him. I decided not to tell him that, though.

"I went out into the lot, and you followed me. You hugged me, and we made up. I guess we came back home, because we both woke up here," I replied. I thought that what I said was decent.

"Oh, alright," he mumbled. I could see his face turning pink? Why was it turning pink?

"Pony, why were you mad at me?" he suddenly asked. I was sort of alarmed by the question.

"Don't worry about it, Johnnycakes. It was nothing. We're fine. You're hug made me feel a lot better," I said, laughing. I tried to play everything cool.

"Yeah, yeah I suppose," he said back. His face got even redder. I decided not to ask anything. I didn't want to embarrass him.

I placed down his chocolate milk on the table. I sat across from him, and began to drink mine. It was sweet and cold, just how I liked it. I instantly felt refreshed.

We both sat in silence, drinking our milk. It was comfortable. I really enjoyed it. We didn't have to talk all the time to be close. Sometimes, we could just exist.

"Hey Johnny, I'm gonna go upstairs and get changed," I stated. Johnny looked up at me, like he was thinking about what to say.

"Yeah, alright. Hey, could I borrow some clothes? I really don't wanna go home," he said. I nodded my head, deciding that I didn't want to make him suffer.

Johnny and I raced up the stairs like children. We always did stupid things like raise, or do stupid bets. We were both slightly out of breathe when we reached the top of the stairs.

I knew that I had to dress nice today. I had the feeling that today, it would count more than ever. I don't know why, but it was a gut feeling.

I picked out a nice, tight fitting pair of black jeans, and I took a tight white shirt. I also took a black and white flannel. I thought that everything would look perfect.

Johnny was standing awkwardly in the corner, unsure of what to do. It didn't even matter what he wore, because he always looked perfect.

"Hey Johnny, what's wrong?" I asked him. He sometimes needed encouragement to do things.

"What am I supposed to wear?" he questioned. He almost looked ashamed for asking.

"Take whatever you want," I said sweetly. I didn't want him to feel out of place.

I saw Johnny grabbed a black t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. They were probably going to be tighter on Johnny, because he was taller than me. I secretly wanted to see him in my clothes.

Both Johnny and I began to undress, and it took all my strength to keep my eyes off of him. His chest was gorgeously tanned, and he had some muscle definition to his arms and legs. I tried to keep my eyes on the ground. I really did.

I felt like Johnny was staring at me too. His eyes were definitely fixed on me. I knew that I was ugly, but I didn't appreciate his stares. It wasn't my fault that he was beautiful, and I was a beast.

We both finished changing, the sexual tension in the air.


I was smoking with Steve on the steps outside of my house. I wasn't really doing anything today, since I had no homework to do. I was relieved, because I had been severely stressed recently. I just couldn't wait until summer break.

"How's stuff been going, kid?" asked Steve. His hand grabbed mine, and he gently stroked it, before pulling away.

"Good, good. Johnny and I made up," I replied. I think that Steve knew that that wasn't the only thing going on.

"What else is going on? I know that's not all," he said with a wink. I giggled.

"Okay, well, Johnny and I were changing in front of each other," I mumbled. Steve whistled.

"Damn Ponyboy, get it!" he shouted. I groaned, and put my face in my hands.

"No, no, its not like that! It was awkward, and I couldn't stop staring at him, and he stared at me too," I replied. Steve's eyebrows shot up.

"Looks like he might have a crush on you, too," said Steve, nudging me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, right. I wished he did," I replied. Steve just sighed, and continued to smoke.


Johnny and I were walking down to the lot, and damn, he looked super good. My black shirt outlined all the best parts of him. His muscles, his toned stomach, everything just looked amazing. Even his hair was brushed back nicely, and he smelled like nice cologne.

I hoped that I looked half as good as Johnny. I really wanted to impress him. It was a hard task, but I didn't know what else to do.

"Hey Pone, what'chya thinking so hard about?" asked johnny, laughing. He was so lighthearted today. He was refreshing.

"Nothing, nothing. I just want to sit down with you and watch the sunset, and then the stars," I stated.

"The sunset and the stars," he replied. I nodded my head. His voice was soft and silky.

Johnny and I sat on the soft grass, against the fence. Johnny wrapped his arms around me, and out my head on his chest. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He made me feel a type of way that I didn't even know was possible.

We looked at the orange sky that was straight ahead of us. The clouds were silver and pink, and there was a light breeze. It reminded me of the sunsets we watched at Windrixville to pass the time. I almost wished that we were back there, just the two of us. There would be no one else, no brothers, and most importantly, no Angela.

Johnny's soft hand stroked my cheek, and his dark eyes were looking at me. I gave him a shy smile, unsure of what was going on. He was probably messing around.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of soft, gentle lips on mine.

Sunsets and the Stars // Johnny x PonyboyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum