Chapter Twenty Seven // Break It Off

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Johnny's POV

I ran out of the hospital in a hurry, rushing to get what I needed done. I was a man on a mission, and nothing was going to stop me.

I heard Two Bit screaming after me, but I didn't bother turning around to see what was going on. It was too important that I did what I needed to do.

I needed to do it before Ponyboy woke up.


I was standing outside the Sheppard house, contemplating on whether or not I should knock on the door. I took deep breathes in, knowing that it was now or never.

I knocked furiously, desperate for a response.

The door swung open. I was met with the face of Curly Sheppard.

Curly Sheppard was an interesting kid, man. He was the only greaser I knew with curly hair who didn't style it, and he always had bruises or cuts. He was mean, lean, and a fighting machine. He was just a bit younger than Ponyboy, yet they were nothing alike.

I silently prayed to God that Pony never became like Curly. It would break my heart in a million ways to see him that cold, with such an ugly personality.

Curly pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hello?" he shouted in my face. He looked like he was ready to slap me. I was surprised that he hadn't already.

"Is Angela home?" I asked him. He grunted, but nodded. Something told me that he didn't get much company.

He turned and walked a few feet into the house. I could barely see him, but boy, he sure was loud when he yelled.

"Angela! Get down here! Johnny's here!" he shouted. I felt like my ears were ringing by his tone of voice. I wanted to leave, but I knew that there were things that had to be done.

"Tell him I'll be down in a second!" she shrieked from upstairs. By their loud, obnoxious voices, I could definitely tell that they were siblings. It must have ran in the Sheppard family.

I leaned against the door, patiently waiting for her to come downstairs. Girls took a long time to get ready for nothing.

Eventually, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She was wearing high heels that clicked when she walked. I wanted to cover my ears. I hated that noise with a passion.

"Hey baby," she said in a sultry voice. Her tone didn't faze me at all, and I think she noticed.

"Aw, what's wrong?" she asked, petting my arm. I looked at Curly who was still in the doorway. He looked like he was going to be sick by watching her sister trying to be affectionate. I almost felt like he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Let's go on a walk," I stated. There was no backing down now.

Angela nodded, and tried to grab my hand.I hastily pulled away.


"What's going on, baby? Talk tome?" she purred in my ear. It took all my strength not to vomit.

"We're over, Angela," I said boldy. She gasped.

"What do you mean?" she questioned. Her voice quivered. I almost felt like the tone of her voice was fake.

"I know you were two -timing me while I was in the hospital, Angela," I stated. She gasped audibly.

"Who told you that? Who would I be doing?" she questioned. She knew that she had been caught, but she didn't admit to anything. Not yet, anyways.

"Everybody who went to a party at Buck's told me that you were making out with Ponyboy when he was drunk. We're over," I growled. I never growled towards anyone, but it felt right for the situation.

"I thought you loved me," she said, sounding sad. I don't know why, but I knew that her tone was completely fake. She didn't feel bad at all.

"I never loved you, Angela," I spat.

When I said this to her, I thought of Ponyboy. I thought about our memories together, the kisses we shared. I thought about his beautiful face, and I thought about his interesting brain. I thought about his brain, and I thought about his kindness, and the way he made me feel. I thought about how he made me feel loved.

He was the only one who made me ever this way.

I walked away from her.

Never again.


When I was walking back, I saw a few of the gang's cars in the driveway. I assumed that they had come back from the hospital, so I walked in.

The mood in the living room was completely off. Two Bit, Dally, and Steve were sitting on the couch. Darry was no where in sight. I assumed that he was still in the hospital with Ponyboy.

I took a seat next to Dally, feeling scared and nervous by everyone else. They all looked cold and worried, like they might never feel happiness again.

For some reason, I started to study Steve's face.

I could see why Ponyboy liked him.

Steve was not ugly, not at all. He wasn't as beautiful as Pony, but he was a looker. He had nice black hair that was combed back in complicated swirls, and he had striking blue eyes. It was a hell of a combination. He had a pretty sharp jawline, and high cheek bones, too. Even his lips were full, and his body was built.

For a moment, I wish I was Steve.

I wished that I was as lucky as him. He got to be with Ponyboy, hold his hand and call him pretty. He got to take him on dates, showing him off to the world. He got to sit with him in silence, doing nothing, but still loving each other.

That could have been me.

I could have been the source of his happiness. I could've been the one to kiss his cheek when he achieved, which was often. I could've been the one to dance with him to shitty music for fun.I could've been the one to have movie nights with him in our pajamas as we cuddled and fell asleep on each other.

I began to sob on the couch, until something hit me.

I had an idea.

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