Chapter Thirty Three // Apologized

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I was sitting on the hospital bed, feeling happier than I ever have. I still couldn't believe what was happening.

Johnny Cade is my boyfriend.

I never thought that this would happen. I thought that I might be facing unrequited love for the rest of my life.

Clearly, I was wrong. Here I was, dating the person I wanted to be with for months. I was dating my best friend, and the person I ran away with.

It was all too good.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed someone in the doorway.

I gasped, and sunk lower into my bed.

It was Sodapop.

He was going to kill me and Johnny. So much for happiness.

He began to walk closer to the bed. I felt my body trembling as he got closer and closer.

He sat down on the chair that was next to the bed. I felt my body curl up into a ball. I was filled with anxiety and fear.

"Hi, Pony," he said calmly. He didn't seem angry, and he didn't use my full name.

"Hi," I replied. I knew that my voice was barely audible.

"How are you?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows, surprised by his question.

"Besides being in some pain from being shot, I'm feeling alright," I stated. I left out the part about feeling anxious because he was here.

"That's good, that's good. Johnny told me about you guys," he said. He wasn't yelling at all. I took a deep breathe.

"What?" I replied in confusion. Since when were they talking again?

"I have some explaining to do," he exclaimed. I nodded my head.

"Clearly you do," I stated. I tried to cross my arms. It hurt to do so because I kept bumping my wound with my right elbow. I tried not to groan in pain.

"I'm sorry, Pony. For everything. I only did it because I was jealous and hurt," he whispered. I felt like I could see him tear up.

"What are you talking about? Jealous and hurt over what?" I asked, confused as ever. Sodapop had everything.

"I've been in love with someone since the sixth grade, Pony," he stated. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah? So? Sandy liked you a lot back then too, big deal," I stated. This conversation was ridiculous.

"No, Ponyboy. It's a boy.." he mumbled, trailing off. I gasped loudly.

"Who is it?" I questioned. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

When he told me, I wanted to shriek of happiness, shock, and confusion.

"Just for the record, I'm not gay like Johnny, or bisexual like you. I only have feelings for him," he whispered. I reached out to touch his hand.

"It's okay, Soda. But, I need you to tell me why you did what you did," I whispered. Soda nodded his head. I could tell that he was getting closer and closer to breaking down.

"I did it because a part of me didn't want you guys to to through fear and hopelessness like I did, and another part of me didn't want to see you guys have what I wanted," he exclaimed. After he was done explaining, I could see him crying. He started to gasp for air.

"I'm so sorry, Ponyboy," he mumbled. I squeezed his hand tighter.

"I forgive you, Soda," I replied. He tried to smile a bit. I could tell that he was dealing with some memories and emotional backlash.

"Thank God," he whispered. He must have thought that I wasn't going to forgive him.

"Can I just ask you something?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Sure," he replied. I stopped to think for a minute.

"Why did you fight Johnny?" I asked. He gulped.

"I got so angry that you guys were doing the things that I wanted to do that I saw it as unfair. I exploded after years of holding it in. I took it out on the closest person," he stated. He looked terribly guilty.

Everything made sense.

"Come up here, Soda," I said, motioning to the bed. He nodded, and then stood up.

Sodapop sat down on my bed. I moved over, giving him more space. He laid down next to me, and put his arm over me.

I didn't know that I missed my brother this much till now. I didn't know that I could feel so emotional over his life struggles.

When he began to talk, I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"So, how did you and Johnny get together?" he asked. I smiled at the mention of my boyfriend.

I'd never get sick of calling him that. Boyfriend. What a perfect word to describe a perfect person.

"I guess he stopped by while I was sleeping. He left me my favorite flowers, and he wrote me a letter professing his feelings. He explained why he loved me, and how he wasn't going to let me go," I started. Soda cut me off.

"That's so sweet," he said, in between a few tears. I couldn't tell why he was crying, so I continued to talk.

"Then, he walked into the room a few hours later, and he sat down with me. He told me why he dated Angela, and he officially told me he was gay. He also apologized for how he treated me. It was really sweet. Then, he kept rambling, so I kissed him to shut him up, told him I loved him, and then I said yes!" I exclaimed. Soda nodded. He was smiling and crying at the same time. I was lost all of a sudden.

"That's so beautiful! I just wish I could have that with him," he whispered. I grabbed his hand again.

"And you can, Soda! I'll help you if you want!" I exclaimed. He wiped the tears away from his eyes.

"You would really help me?" he asked. I nodded with a smile. How could I not help him after everything he had been through?

"Of course I'd help you, Soda. You're my brother and I love you. I'll try and do anything to make you happier," I stated. He began to cry again.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," he sobbed. I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down.

Eventually, he fell asleep, and so did I.

It didn't feel like it in the moment, but bad things were about to come...

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