Chapter Fifty One // Happy Endings and Epilogues

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"Yes!" I screamed. I threw my arms around Johnny and squeezed him as hard as I could.

"I love you so much, baby," he whispered in my ears.

"I love you too, my beautiful fiance," I replied.

We walked to the car hand in hand.

I had a beautiful ring on my finger.


When we had gotten home, the atmosphere in the air was weird. The whole gang was in the living room, watching TV, drinking and talking.

When we all walked in, they looked up at us, looking confused.

Johnny and I were beaming.

"What's going on, guys? Why do you both look so happy?" asked Steve. Johnny and I glanced at each other.

"Do you want to tell them?" asked Johnny. I thought about his question for a moment.

"Let's tell them together," I replied. I heard Dally clear his throat.

"Tell us what, exactly?" he asked, sounding a bit impatient. Johnny and I threw another glance at each other.

Johnny picked up my hand, holding it tightly. He made sure that everyone could see the ring shining in the light.

"Oh my God! Is that an engagement ring?" screamed Soda. He was smiling ear to ear. Johnny and I quickly nodded.

"It is. Johnny proposed!" I exclaimed, excitedly. Soda got up from his seat, and ran across the room, engulfing me in a hug. I heard the rest of the gang whoop.

"Does that mean that y'all are going to get married?" asked Two Bit. I heard Johnny laugh.

"Yes, Two Bit, it means that we're going to get married," replied Johnny, laughing. I had never heard him sound so happy.

"Well, I wasn't sure! Some people do some weird things with those rings in bed, if you know what I mean," he stated, winking. The whole room burst into laughter.

"I'm happy for y'all," said Steve. I smiled at him, remembering the short time we had together.

"Thanks, Steve. That means a lot," I replied. He smiled back.

"I'm happy for you guys too, man. I never expected this!" exclaimed Dally. He had a lopsided grin on his face.

Then, Dally got up, and practically jumped on top of Johnny, knocking him down. He started ruffling his hair.

"Why didn't you tell me, man? You shoulda told me you were gonna propose!" joked Dally. Johnny laughed.

"Sorry, man! I wanted it to be a complete secret!" replied Johnny. He looked so happy. Dally and Johnny hugged. They were really close.

Then, the room went silent. I guess we all realized something at the same time. Darry hadn't said a word.

We all stared at him.

He cleared his throat.

I was expecting the worse.

But, he broke out into a grin.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" he exclaimed. He came up to the both of us, and hugged us tight.

All the other guys joined.

We had a huge group hug in the middle of the living room.

Eight Years Later...

Sunsets and the Stars // Johnny x PonyboyWhere stories live. Discover now