Chapter Twenty Six // Awoken

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I woke up, feeling a numbness in my whole body, and a throbbing near my stomach and ribs. I began to clench in pain.

I wasn't aware of my surroundings, but when I looked up, I saw Darry starring down at me along with Dally.

I looked down at my arm, and saw a bunch of stuff hooked up to it.

I began to panic.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I shrieked. I began to shake around the bed, scared.

Dally and Darry reached out to touch me, holding me down.

"It's alright, Pony," said Dally. He reached out to touch my forehead. I flinched.

"What's going on?" I screamed. Something felt really wrong with my body.

"Go get Steve," demanded Darry to Dally. Dal scurried out of the room, looking for him.

"Everything hurts," I yelped. I tried to touch the place that hurt most, but Darry smacked my hand away.

"Don't touch it," he whispered softly. I groaned, and shut my eyes briefly.

I sensored that someone was next to me, so I opened them up again. There sat Steve. He reached out to hold my hand.

"How are you?" he asked softly. I bit my lip, trying not to wimper.

"Everything hurts," I replied. Steve's face turned white, and he looked down at the floor.

"What happened, Steve?" I questioned. For some reason, he looked the most guilty out of all the boys currently in the room.

"So, I'll give you some back story first," he started. I nodded my head. I tried to lean in closer to hear him better, but it caused more pain.

"Johnny caught us kissing on the bed, and he confronted us about it. You got really mad, so we decided to go someplace. We got in my car and started driving until we found someplace to hang out," he stuttered. Whatever he was going to say next was clearly difficult for him to fathom, because he had to stop himself from balling.


Steve and I stepped out of his car. He looked at me with admiration in his eyes. They were soft and full of life.

"You know, I really like you, Ponyboy," he said. I felt my lips curl into a smile.

He discreetly tried to give me a hug without making us look like queers.

I hugged back.

"A Soc car came by, and they started shooting. You got hit just below the ribs," he said, crying. He was balling his eyes out now.

I remember a blue mustang coming Steve and I's way, but I didn't think much if it. One if then rolled down a window.

I suddenly heard loud sounds that resembled gun shots. It made panic rise in me.

Something painful hit me. I shrieked.

"You crumbled to the ground. I thought they killed you, Ponyboy. I thought they killed you right in front of me," he sobbed. He gripped even tighter on my hand.

I was in so much pain, I clenched what felt like my stomach and fell to the ground. I felt like I was dying.

I heard Steve screaming over me, begging and pleasing for help.

"It's all my fault," he stated. I tried to gasp, but it was barely audible.

"It's not your fault," I said, reassuring him. He let go of my hand, put his face in his hands, and cried even more.

"How long was I out?" I asked everyone. They all took nervous glaces at each other.

"You were out for three days, Ponyboy," whispered Dally. Darry put a hand on his shoulder.

"Most of us thought that you were gonna die," mumbled Dally. Hearing that made my heart hurt.

"I'm right here," I stated. For some reason, my words made everyone emotional.

Steve started to cry even harder, and when I saw his eyes, they were red.

Darry was covering his face with one of huge hands, but his shoulders were slouched. He somehow looked small.

Even Dally, someone who I thought could show no emotion, was crying. His face didn't look cold and hard like he usually did. No, he looked like he was full of emotion and like he actually cared about something besides himself.

"Where's Johnny?" I suddenly asked. Everyone looked up when I said his name, like it was a dirty word that shouldn't be said.

I knew that I was supposed to be mad at Johnny, furious even, but I couldn't be right now. I just wanted him to come back and comfort me. He always knew what to do to make me feel better.

"He said that he needed to go take care of some stuff a few days ago. He's been popping in and out to see you everyday, though," stated Darry. I nodded. I wondered what business he was taking care of.

"Would you tell him that I woke up next time you see him?" I asked. No one but Dally nodded.

"I have to see him tonight, so I'll tell him," he replied, putting a hand on my shoulder. I tried to bare the pain that came with it.

I looked over at Steve, and he looked hurt. The thing was, he looked hurt in a different way than he had before.

He looked like he was fighting between jealousy, sadness, and anger.

I tried to put the pieces together, when I suddenly realized what he was upset about. He was upset over my mention of Johnny.

He was jealous because I talked more about someone who wasn't present than the person sitting next to me who loved me, he was sad because he knew I'd always think of Johnny before him, and he was angry because he wished it was him I dreamed about.

I felt guilty, but I couldn't help it. I still liked Steve, I liked him a lot. I just didn't love him.

I began to tear up, and everyone gave me a concerned look.

"Leave," I stated. They all looked confused.

"Just go."

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