Chapter Forty One // Forever

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Johnny's POV

I felt something grab my hand. I pulled away from Ponyboy to see who it was.

I looked at my hand, and then realized something.

Ponyboy was grabbing my hand.

"Pony? Pony? You're awake!" I shrieked. I grabbed onto his hand harder.

"Johnny, he's not awake.." began Steve. I shook my head.

"Look! He's grabbing my hand!" I exclaimed. Steve pushed past me, and looked at our hands. He gasped.

"Guys! Guys! Johnny's right!" yelled Steve. He looked ecstatic.

"Get a doctor!" stated Darry.

Steve nodded, and ran out of the room.

The whole gang looked confused, but they were smiling. We couldn't believe what was happening.

"Hey, hey! Pony, wake up, love," I whispered in his ear. I put my other hand on his cheek.

He made a small grunt.

"C'mon Pony, I know you can do it," I encouraged. I sucked in a breathe.

His face began to move slowly, almost like he was in pain. I waited for more movement. I didn't want to force him to do something that would hurt him.

I say his eyes open.

His beautiful green eyes were looking up at me.

He blinked a few times.

"Johnny," he whispered quietly. He tried to smile.

"I'm here, my love. I'm here," I said, gripping his hand. He groaned a bit.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him, nervous that he was going to pass out again.

"I'm in a little pain, but I'm okay," he mumbled. I nodded, and then let go of him. Everyone else would want to see him, too.

"Is that you, Pony?" cut in Two Bit. He sounded like a small child, and his eyes were wide.

"Yeah, yeah. It's me," replied Pony. He looked confused.

Two Bit shoved me out of the way, and rushed to Pony's side. He engulfed him in a hug that looked warm.

"I thought you were dead and that we'd never play anymore pranks together," stated Two Bit. I think he was crying.

"I'm alright. We can play more pranks," whispered Pony. He tried to giggle, but his voice was a hoase.

Everyone continued to talk to Pony, bombarding him with questions. I felt sort of bad for him, but we all thought that he was going to die. No one had talked to him for two weeks.

Suddenly, we all heard a door open. We whipped our heads around to see who it was.

It was Steve and the doctor.


The doctor was closely examining Pony, clearly confused as to how he was awake. He was almost certain that he'd be sleeping for an eternity.

Suddenly, the doctor broke his silence.

"It seems like Ponyboy is fine, but we'll have to keep him here for a while to make sure. I'm just surprised he woke up last second.." he said, trailing off. This doctor had no hope, did he?

"By the way, how did Ponyboy wake up?" asked the doctor, looking at Darry. Darry made this weird face.

"You're going to have to ask Johnny," replied Darry, winking. I felt my cheeks turn hot.

"I said my last good byes and then I held his hand and then he squeezed back," I said, shakily. My whole face was hot.

All the guys bust out laughing. The doctor raised his eyebrows.

"Interesting. Well, I'll leave you all alone. Remember, visiting hours will be over soon," he stated. He began to walk out, and then he closed the door behind him.


"I hate all of you!" I stated. I was so embarrassed. Everyone laughed.

"Ay, it ain't my fault that you're making out with Ponyboy all the time!" exclaimed Two Bit. Dally doubled over in laughter.

"It ain't my fault you're gay for Dally!" I yelled, jokingly. The whole room erupted into "ooos."

"Hey! Why am I being dragged into this?" asked Dally. I snickered.

"Because you love Two Bit!" I exclaimed. Two Bit giggled.

"Everyone loves me, let's be real!" shouted Two Bit. He started to shake his hips in a ridiculous manner.

Dally turned bright red, and walked out awkwardly.

"Hey guys, could you give me and Johnny a moment alone?" asked Ponyboy. Everybody gave us a weird but sympathetic look, and began to leave.

Two Bit winked, and then mouthed "get it" under his breathe.


I sat on the bed next to Ponyboy. I couldn't believe that he was alive. I felt like God had answered my prayer.

"What is it, Pony?" I asked him. His face fell a bit.

"I'm so sorry, Johnny," he started. I raised my eyebrows.

"About what?" I replied. I was confused.

"I'm sorry that I thought I was going to die and for scaring you. I'm sorry I put you through so much pain," he stated. He began to cry.

My heart melted.

"It's okay, Pony. You were in so much pain," I replied. He nodded his head.

"I love you," he said. I smiled.

"I love you too," I stated. He put his hands on my cheeks.

He pulled me into a sweet kiss. I felt fireworks everywhere.

Ponyboy picked up the tulips I had given him. I thought that if I had given him tulips that he;d be reminded of my love in the next life.

"Thank you for the tulips," he said with a smile.

"You're welcome," I replied. My voice cracked.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked. He sounded concerned.

I debated on whether or not I should tell him the truth about the flowers.

I probably should.

"I got you the tulips so you'd remember about my love in the next life," I stated. I began to sob. All of the feelings of sadness and hurt resurfaced.

"I would never forget you, no matter where I am," whispered Pony, touching my arm. I shook my head.

"I just love you so much, and I was so scared," I mumbled. He put his arm around me.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm here, and we're together," he stated. I looked him in the eyes.

"Forever?" I asked.


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