Chapter Thirty Four // One Last Time

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I woke up with Sodapop next to me. I was happy that we had made up, and that our stupid rivalry didn't exist anymore.

I breathed in and out, deciding not to wake him up. He clearly had a rough day since he had to confess his feelings to Johnny and I today.

He continued to sleep, until a door opened. I looked up to see who it was.

Standing in the doorway was a doctor. He cleared his throat.

"Ponyboy Curtis?" he asked, hesitantly. I nodded my head.

"Yes, doctor?" I replied. I decided to shake Sodapop awake.

He fluttered his eyes open.

"We have some unfortunate news," he began. I felt like I had stopped breathing when he said the word unfortunate.

I looked down at Sodapop.

"What is it?" Soda asked. I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was.

"Ponyboy's wound is having trouble healing, and we might think that some of his ribs shattered. We also have to check for eternal bleeding," he stated. He looked down at his clipboard.

"What's going to happen?" I asked. I could feel Soda's breathing increase. He was just as scared as I was. I couldn't blame him.

"We'll probably have to conduct some surgeries. Is there anyone you'd like to call?" asked the doctor. Both Soda and I nodded our heads.

"Alright, call them. When they arrive, I'll have to talk to your legal guardian before we can do anything," he said. The doctor turned around, and walked out of the door.


Soda and I were sitting on the bed, feeling shaken up about the news that we had just received. I felt like the life was sucked out of me.

"Do you wanna call Darry?" asked Soda. I nodded my head.

"I wanna call the rest of the gang, too. They should be here for this," I replied. Soda understood. He picked up the phone from the nightstand.

I sighed, wanting to pretend that the news I heard was all fake. But deep down, I knew that it was bad. I knew that what the doctor was talking about was real.

I took the phone from Soda, and I began to dial the house's phone. It rang. The silence was deafening.

Someone picked up.

"Hello?" they asked. It sounded like Dally. His New York accent was clear.

"Hey Dal, its Pony, can I talk to Darry?" I asked. I heard silence from the other line for a few moments.

"...Okay," he replied hesitantly. I think I could hear foot steps walking away.

"Hello?" asked Darry. I released the breathe that I was holding.

"Hi, Darry," I said. I was thinking on how to tell everyone the news.

"Ponyboy? What's wrong?" he asked. He could clearly tell that something wasn't right.

It took me a few seconds to answer. I looked at Soda.

"Soda came to visit me in the hospital and apologize. After that though, a doctor came in," I began.

"What did he say?" demanded Darry. I could tell that he was getting nervous.

"I might need some more surgeries because I might have more problems," I stated quietly. There was an audible gasp on the other side of the line.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," he replied, hastily.

"Darry, wait!" I exclaimed. I wasn't done talking.

"What?" he mumbled. I knew that he was going to take this hard.

"Bring the rest of the gang, too. I want to see them one last time before they operate," I whispered. I needed to see all of them.

"Alright. I love you. Hang tight," said Darry. The line went dead.


I looked over at Sodapop who still looked shaken to the bone. He probably didn't think that this would happen either.

He began go get up.

"I'm going to go get as much information I can about the surgery," he stated softly. I nodded my head.

"Come back when Darry and the rest of the gang arrive," I said. He nodded quickly.

"Of course, Pony. Of course," he mumbled.

He began to walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.


I was laying in the hospital bed, alone. No one was in sight.

I was thinking about my surgery, and what would happen to me.

I don't think that I'm going to make it.

I was already in so much pain everyday since I got shot, and I could feel it getting worse and worse by the hour.

It was too late.

I didn't tell Soda or Darry this, but I wanted to see the gang one last time before it all ended.

One last time before I died.

My thoughts immediately went to Johnny.


I don't know how he's going to function when he gets here, when he sees me.

I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.

I titled it to Johnny.

I began to write.


After I had finished writing my letter, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I mumbled. I wanted to get everything over with.

The door opened.

There stood my family. My boyfriend, my brothers, and all my friends.

They all slowly walked to the bed.

"How're you feeling?" asked Two Bit. I nodded my head.

"I'm alright," I stated, forcing a smile.

I didn't want them to know that I was dying.

"You're going to get through this," said Steve. He grabbed my hand. I heard Johnny's breathe hitch.

"We all love you, Pony," said Dal. I nodded my head.

Everyone was saying their "good lucks" and "I love you's."

They didn't know that I was saying my goodbyes.

Johnny suddenly chimed in.

"Can I talk to Pony alone?" he asked. Everybody nodded sympathetically, and then walked out slowly.


Johnny sat down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hand.

"You're going to be okay, Pony," he said reassuringly. I tried to smile.

"I know I am, Johnnycakes," I replied. I reached out to stroke his cheek. It was warm.

"I love you so much. You're so brave," he stated. I breathed in.

"I love you too," I whispered. He kissed my forehead.

There was a knock on the door. A nurse stepped in.

"I have to inject Ponyboy with pain killer," she said, walking over. She now stood at the edge of the bed, putting the needle into me.

Johnny squeezed my hand one last time.

He walked out.

The world around me started to to black, and I felt numb.

This was it, this was the end.

"I love you too, Johnny Cade. I'll love you in the other life too. Forever and always."

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