Chapter Nineteen // Chances Given

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I took a lot of time to think about what Dal said about dating other people. He had a valid point about going out and dating other people for fun for distraction.

Why should I let the thoughts of Johnny consume every waking hour I have? His thoughts probably weren't consumed with me, but instead they were consumed with his perfect girlfriend who he loved.

I wouldn't tell anyone this, but I wished more than ever that I was the one that he loved. I felt like we would fit perfectly together if we got the chance to. But deep down, I knew that that chance would never come, because he'd never give me it. He'd always give her the chance.

There was an old page in my diary that said

"Dear diary,

Today it got even harder to look at him. I felt as if my soul was on fire, because he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at her.

And it would always be her.

Ponyboy Curtis"

Even back then, I knew that I was right. It stung.

I just wish he loved me back, even if it were for five minutes.


Currently, Dal, Two Bit, and I were sitting on the couch. They were both sipping some beers, while I was smoking.

"Hey Pony, can I tell you a story?" giggled Dally. I nodded my head. Dally was actually a good story teller. He went through a lot.

"Remember that broad, Sylvia?" he asked. Two Bit groaned.

"Sylvia? God, I hated her!" shouted Two Bit. He started to laugh. I cracked a smile.

"What about her, Dal?" I questioned. He cleared his throat, and then took a sip of his beer.

"Man, that stupid broad was two - timing me, remember?" he stated. I nodded. I remembered.

"Yeah man, and I didn't believe Two Bit at first when he told me. I thought he was lyin'!" exclaimed Dally.

"I never lie! You're a stupid fool!" shouted Two Bit. He rolled on the floor. Dally rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. But then more people started to tell me, and I looked for the clues, and it turned out she was! Aw man, was I pissed!" he stated. I nodded my head.

"Where is this going?" I asked. Everyone knew this story. It wasn't news.

"My point is, Johnny is gonna realize that Angela was two - timing him, and he's gonna split up with her like I did!" he exclaimed.

All of Dally's words made sense.

Johnny was currently in denial like Dally was. Hopefully, he'd come to his senses too.

"Gee, thanks Dal," I stated. Dally smiled, but Two Bit groaned.

"What about me? Don't I get any love? I'm so unappreciated, I hate you all! I'm gonna steal all your women!" he exclaimed.

Dal and I were rolling on the floor laughing.


I was doing a bit of homework, when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. There was some music playing downstairs, so I assumed that I needed to be louder.

The door creaked open slowly. There stood Steve, dressed in some nicer clothes.

He was dressed in a black t - shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He didn't have his usual denim vest on, or ratty shoes.

He sat down next to me on the bed. I put my homework down. We hadn't spoken since he kissed me. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Listen, Ponyboy, I'm sorry about the kiss. I can understand if you didn't want it. I should have asked," he stated. I was blown away by his apology. It was definitely sincere and thought out.

I started to think. I could feel my head spinning. Suddenly, I thought about what Dally said about casual dating.

I bit my lip, and looked Steve up and down. I could see him cower under my stare. He was clearly uncomfortable.

"How about we go out on one date?" I asked him. Steve eyes widened.

"Pony, you don't have to go out with me because you pity me," he whispered. I shook my head.

"I want to see what's there. It's only one date. I want to see how I feel," I stated. Steve looked like he was thinking about my proposal.

"Alright, I'll try it," he said. I nodded.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven. Is that good?" he asked. He clearly had plans already.

"That's perfect," I stated. Steve walked out of my room.


I knocked on Darry's bedroom door. I needed to talk to him.

"Come in!" I heard someone shout. I slowly turned the doorknob, and opened the door.

"What's up, Pony?" he asked. He was making his bed.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I said. Darry stopped making the bed to look at me, but then motioned for me to sit down on a chair that was in the room.

"What is it?" he questioned. I took a deep breathe.

"Steve kissed me the other day, and I asked him on a date. We're going out tomorrow night," I stated. Darry's mouth was slightly agape.

"Well, that's definitely new. What about Johnny? Are you over him?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not. Dally told me that casual dating to try and move on might work though," I said. Darry bit the inside of his cheek.

"Alright. I guess that's okay. Just be careful," he mumbled. I nodded, and got up. Darry made me sit back down.

"Not so fast, mister," he exclaimed. I gave him a bewildered look.

"I don't want to have this talk, but I guess we have to. Tomorrow, if it gets to a certain point, use protection-" he started saying.

"I don't want to have this conversation!" I shrieked. I was mortified. Was he trying to give me the sex talk?

"Ponyboy, you want to be safe-" he started again. I shut him up.

"I can't hear you!" I stated, covering my ears. Darry groaned.

"Condoms prevent STDs Ponyboy-" he said. I cut him off, again.

"We're not having this talk! Goodbye!" I shouted, walking out of the room.

There was no way in hell that I was going to suffer through that conversation for no reason. I had no intention of doing anything of that nature with Steve tomorrow night.

I hoped that he didn't have that intention either.

Sunsets and the Stars // Johnny x PonyboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon