Chapter Twenty Four // The Cade Confessions Sequel

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Johnny's POV

I stumbled down the stairs because I had decided to run even though my legs could barely support me still. With every step I tumbled over, I felt a numbness grow.

When I reached the bottom, I felt some hands on my face. I opened my eyes. Dally was staring down at me.

"What happened?" he growled. He could obviously tell I was crying.

"Why didn't you tell me Ponyboy moved on?" I replied. Dally sighed, and shook his head. Before I knew it, Two Bit and Darry were by my side too.

"We all knew it was going to be a lot to take in. What happened?" asked Dally, again. I shook my head.

"I walked in on Steve and Ponyboy making out, and when I confront Pony on it, he said that he was allowed to move on since I had Angela," I said, sniffling. Two Bit shrugged his shoulders.

"You can't blame the guy, can you?" asked Two Bit. Darry punched him in the shoulder, and glared at him.

"Yeesh, sorry. Anyways, I think Dally and I have some stuff to tell you," stated Two Bit. I raised my eyebrows, then looked at Dally. He nodded at what Two Bit said.

"Let's go," motioned Dally to the door. Darry helped me up.

The three of us walked in to Two Bit's car.


The three of us were driving around for a while, when I finally decided to open my mouth out of curiosity.

"What's going on?" I asked the both of them. I was sitting in the back seat, and they both sat in the front.

"Do you want to start, or should I?" asked Dally. Two Bit shrugged, but kept his eyes on the road.

"I'll start," he stated. Dally nodded. We both waited for him to begin speaking.

"So, as you know, I took Ponyboy to a party where he got completely wasted. He was making out with this girl, and it was super intense. I watched him," stated Two Bit. Dally nodded, confirming what Two Bit said. I wanted to vomit.

"Yeah, yeah. Then I came in, and I had to pry them apart and stuff. This was before Pony passed out. I got a good look at the girl, though," exclaimed Dally. I sat on the edge of my seat, and then raised my eyebrows.

"And? Who was it?" I asked. For some reason, the story seemed oddly familiar to me. I couldn't tell why though, but there were definitely parts that I recognized.

"It was Angela!" blurted Two Bit. Suddenly everything came rushing back. I remembered the conversation I had with Ponyboy in the hospital.

"You mean Ponyboy wasn't lying?" I shouted. Two Bit and Dally both looked at me with shock on their faces.

"You knew?" screamed Dally. I sunk in my seat. I slowly nodded my head. Dally face palmed and groaned loudly.

"I thought he was lying!" I stated. I could feel myself start to cry again.

"Why would he lie about something like that?" asked Two Bit. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. I just guess I didn't want to believe that Pony kissed someone that wasn't me," I blurted out. I instantly covered my mouth, realizing what I said.

"Wait, you didn't want Pony kissing someone else, but you were fine with your girlfriend kissing someone else?" asked Dally. I nodded, ashamed.

"It sounds to me like you need to get your priorities straight," mumbled Two Bit. Dally smacked him on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Ponyboy moved on with Steve," I stated. Dally shook his head.

"No he didn't," stated Dal. I squinted my eyes.

"But I caught them making out! He's done with me!" I yelled. I hadn't admitted this to myself yet, but it really hurt to see him kissing someone like he kissed me.

"He told me that he was going to just casual date," said Dally. I exhaled.

"So that means he's still technically on the market and can become official with anyone at any time?" I asked. Two Bit and Dally nodded, again.

"Great. I'm too late then, because that means that he'll pick Steve. At least he was there unlike me," I grumbled. I looked out the window.

We were back at the Curtis house. I guess that we had covered everything that we needed to, because no one said a word.

Both the boys had to help me out of the car since my legs felt week. I knew I was being a burden, but I didn't want to become less stable, again. Eventually, we reached the steps to the house.

The steps really hurt like a bitch, even with the help. Bending my legs and putting weight on them really made my legs sting with pain. I really needed to take my medicine.

Eventually, we reached the top. Dally opened the door for me, and Two Bit helped me in. The house was quiet, but we all knew something was wrong.

"Darry?" called Dally. He sounded concerned and worried. Darry came out of the kitchen. I got a good look at his face. He was crying.

"What happened?" asked Two Bit. He made me sit down on the sofa. I looked at all of them.

"I just got a call," croaked Darry. Everybody raised their eyebrows, curious as to what that meant.

"What did it say, Darry?" I asked. I had never seen Darry cry before. Frankly, I didn't think it was possible. Sometimes, he was as hard as a rock, and he would show little to no emotion. When he did, it was scary. It was always scary when he showed emotion because then we knew that something had gone terribly wrong.

"It was the hospital," he stated. I took a deep breathe in. Darry was struggling to find the words to describe what was going on.

"What did they say? Johnny and Sodapop have been out of the hospital," stated Two Bit. Darry shook his head.

"It's not them, it's something else," he mumbled. We all gasped, and looked at him for me.

"It's Ponyboy. He got shot."

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