It's Only Just Begun

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Lauren's PoV

I couldn't say that I wasn't enjoying my time at the party. We were having fun and dancing. It was really cool seeing Camila in a different light. She was with her hockey friends and letting loose. I think she was on her fourth beer. We've been here for a few hours.

By the looks of it, she could hold her alcohol well since she didn't seem as drunk as I figured she'd be. I scanned the crowd while leaning against the couch. I knew very few people from school or from the games I'd attend. But I didn't really know that many people, enough to socialize. I found it odd how tame I had become since moving here. If it were back home, I'd be making friends left and right. Then again, I'd be looking for a bedmate for that night as well, which I already had one.


I felt no need to look anymore. Camila's laughter caught my attention and her head was tossed back while she straddled a chair in the dining room, talking to a few friends.

I sighed heavily because I knew she was ready. She was ready to face her family and let them know that we were in love. Mr. C already knew but I think Camila was ready to clue in her mother. She was ready to clue in Austin.

I'll admit to you that at the very beginning, I would've given anything to have Austin know about us. I wanted the secret out and then deal with the aftermath together. But that was before I knew how hard Uncle Vic and Aunt Greta would take their break-up. It had been well over a month since the break-up but still.

Okay, so call me a little selfish. I really didn't want to get sent back to B.C.. Sure I may have been jumping the gun and I may not even get sent back. But still.

I was scared.

For once in my life, I was scared of a relationship ending. When it was just Camila and I in a room, alone, the world was so perfect. We didn't have to worry about anyone else but each other. I was so scared to lose that.

I kind of snapped at her earlier for making the suggestion that we tell Austin. I knew the guy deserved to know. He deserved to know about Kyla and the baby.

"Here you go!" Kyla plopped herself beside me and handed me another beer. She had a bottled water in her hand.

Kyla had been wearing baggier clothes within the past few weeks. She wasn't really showing that much but you could tell she had a little bump. Hence the baggy clothes. "Camila's always wanting to be center of attention." She laughed as the brunette was surrounded by hockey jocks.

"They just want to get in her pants." I quipped. "Ever since the word got out that Austin and her were no more, she's been getting asked out left and right."

Kyla nudged me. "Jealous much?"

I shrugged and popped the cap of the cold Bud. "I know who she's with at the end of the day."

"Yea but you're still jealous," Kyla sat up and took a sip of her water, "especially when Normani's around."

Oh, her. Fucking Normani. Fucking Austin for trying to set them up. That was one more reason I shouldn't be stubborn on telling Austin. He may be pissed, but he'll get over it.

I hoped.

"Normani's a cunt," I spat and wiped my mouth after taking a longer swig of my beer, "she's just using Camila to make me jealous."

Kyla laughed, "no, she really does have a thing for her."

"You're not helping." I hissed and pushed myself off the couch. That one guy was getting a little too touchy feely with my girlfriend and I wasn't going to stand it any longer. Maybe it was the alcohol running through my veins or maybe it was jealousy, but I marched right up to the brunette and grabbed her by the hips. "Dance with me?"

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