59: Tonight, We Feast!

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We all walk inside the house where the aroma of chicken, garlic bread and pasta sauce wafts in the air, making my stomach growl.

Ian and I follow everyone inside the grand kitchen where Emilia is cooking chicken on a frying pan. All the cabinetry in here were made out of white wood while the appliances were stainless steel. The countertops were a gray marble wile the backsplashes were white subway tiles.

When she looks up at the guys, she shoots them a look of disapproval as she shakes her head.

"You boys go better wash up." She scolds, mainly looking at Ryan.

"But mom, we barely even got dirty." Ryan complains as he attempts to dip his finger in pasta sauce but Emilia smacks his hand away with the wooden spoon she's holding.

"Listen to me. I don't care if you got dirty or not. If you were outside, I expect you to clean yourself up. I don't want you smelly when we have guests here." She says, changing her tone to a deathly one as she gives Ryan a cold look.

"Okay, fine!" He surrenders as him and his brothers leave the kitchen to go do what their mother told them to do.

"And I better not see a speck of dirt on your clothes!" She hollers at them.

Although Emilia seems nice and has a comforting persona about her, she's someone you don't want to mess with.

John wraps his arms around his wife as he plants a kiss on her cheek.

"Babe you need to clean yourself too. I don't want smelly boys at my table." She comments with a softer tone than she used on Ryan.

John nods his head, "yes ma'am." And leaves the kitchen to do what his wife told him to.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. My boys think they're invincible from sweat and dirt whenever they play football." She sighs as she flips a chicken thigh over.

"You're fine." Carly says.

"Kelley honey, if you and Vince get married, then you're gonna have to hold your ground and make sure he's always clean." Emilia advises.

Kelley smiles as she nods her head. "I will keep that in mind."

"Anyways, dinner is almost ready." She smiles as she turns the burners off on the stove and pulls breadsticks out of the oven.

"Would you like for us to set the table?" I offer, as I watch her brush garlic on the breadsticks.

Emilia looks up at me with a smile and relief in her eyes. "You would do that for me?"

"Yes of course." Kelley says.

"Awe, thank you so much." She breathes.

"No problem." Carly says.

Kelley grabs placemats from a closet and hands them to me as she hands Carly the silverware as she grabs the napkins.

We head into the dining room where a long table was with a surface of white marble and a mahogany wood base. It looked extremely expensive but lavish.

I set the nine placemats on the table as Carly places the silverware in their places and Kelley setting the napkins down. Kelley goes back into the kitchen and grabs a stack of plates as she splits them between us each and we set them on top of the placemats.

As we finish, Emilia walks in with a basket of fresh breadsticks and sets them in the middle of the table. She dips into the kitchen and comes back with a large bowl of steaming noodles with a side of pasta sauce. The last items she placed on the table was the chicken she was cooking, a salad bowl and Parmesan cheese.

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