Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Honey, get up. Grace is here!" I heard Mom shout from downstairs. I was already up, but really lazy to get out of bed. I just feel like wrapping my cover around me like a cocoon and never get out.

"‌Skylar Nina Moore, if I don't hear the bathroom door slam shut in 5 seconds, no more nutella for you. I'll give them to your brother," Mom yelled again. Damn, that woman has a loud voice.

I quickly got up, not liking my nutella in my brother's hands. That devil likes it when I don't get chocolate and he steals mine. If being a year elder to me will get him to stop acting like an idiot, then we are highly mistaken.

Skylar Moore, I don't like my middle name that much, known as me is your average height, blonde haired girl. I'm 17 and a teenage, of course. My eyes are blue and people love when they look me in the eye, because according to them it's like a sea, where you can swim. Personally I think that's creepy, but hell, it's their opinion, I'll take it as a compliment. I'm sarcastic, more realistic, and optimistic. I'm skinny, but not like a stick– because a little weight won't hurt much– with curves. My blonde hair is wavy and reaches just below the small of my back.

"‌Skylar!" I grunted and ran to the bathroom that was in the hallway. I share it with my brother Noah, who I assume is still sleeping.

"Noah, you're up next." I heard Dad shout. Wow! Mom shouts for me and Dad for Noah. This is the daily routine of our house. One day, I have to go early for shower and next day Noah. House rules.

I heard a loud thump, and laughed. Noah, yet again, fell from the bed after hearing Dad shout. "I know. I was already up when Mom shouted for the she devil!" He yelled.

I poked my head out of the bathroom and yelled back, "I'm not a she devil!" After that I slammed the door shut without waiting for his reply and started getting ready for school.

In school, the scene is totally different. While my brother is a football player, I am a nerd along with my two bestie. A nerd, that's what the school thinks and that's what we want the school to think.

Within 15 minutes, I was ready to go. Paddling downstairs, I heard Noah stomp towards the bathroom to get ready for school. Arriving in the kitchen, I saw Grace helping Mom with breakfast. She always comes to my house early and helps Mom in cooking breakfast.

Grace Aniston, blonde cheerleader like girl with killer body, but sweet attitude. She is a sweetheart and the mother of us; group of three friends. She's not naive. You can't misjudge her for her sweet looks. Even thought she looks sweet, she's smart and sharp. Her passion is cooking which was passed onto her from her father. Hence, the cooking scene every morning.

"Morning, family." I greeted and took a seat next to Dad.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." Grace replied while a mumble was heard from Dad, and Mom had earplugs in her ears, not even hearing my greeting.

We heard rustling sound from the front door and soon the voice shouted. "Anyone home, Moore family?"

Enter my third bestie, Samantha Stinson. She is too loud for a small person. Her height is little shorter than us, which goes by 5'3. Yeah, Grace and I are 5'6, not much of difference, but we like to tease Sam a lot. She is loud, chubby, with attitude of a cheerleader, and looks like Lucy Hales. Sure, she's loud and open, but only with people she knows. Otherwise, she's a little awkward when it comes to new people. It was difficult for us to make her open up when we were younger. But Grace and I were persistent as hell and look where we all are now.

The Three Tier.

Doing everything together, not missing a single chance. We fight, but in the end, we can't just keep quiet about it. We'll taunt each other until we are laughing at the stupid fight and everything is back to normal. Let's say, we all are pretty inseparable and this sometimes irritates my brother a lot because we can't spend time together. But I always make a point to keep him and my friends away and give him my precious time too.

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