Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The next morning went painfully slow. Not knowing what is going to happen today had me by my neck. The worst thing or the worst quality about me is that, patience is never my thing. Having to wait to know what will happen makes me stressed. I have to know the next move or predict the next happening. Sudden changes make me overwhelming, which causes overthinking and hypertension.

My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest any minute. My focus changes and I can't think of anything else until and unless the problem at hand is solved. That is what I'm feeling right now. Ignoring Daniel will bite me in my ass. He will find one way or other to make me pay.

"Hey, Skylar, your phone's ringing." Sam said, throwing my phone.

I catch it quickly before it falls down and glare at Sam who just smiles at me. "Hello?"

"Skylar? Why did you not come home yesterday?" Noah inquired.

"I'm good, brother of mine. Thanks for asking." I muttered sarcastically.

"I'm not kidding. It's really unlikely of you to stay at your friend's place during a school night. What trouble did you cause?"

"I did not cause any trouble. Can't I have fun with my friends whenever I feel like?" I asked, annoyed.

"Don't challenge me, Skylar. I know you better than you think." Noah warned. "Did something happen?"

I paused. Debating whether I should open my mouth or not. I sighed. "Daniel knows everything."

There was a long paused, before I heard a string of curses. "I told you to be careful. How could you let it happen? Do you know what it means?" He asked, angrily.

"I know, okay." I answered, irritated. "I'll explain everything in school. Anyways, I'm coming early. Meet me by my locker, will you?"

"You better hope Daniel doesn't open his mouth in front of the principal." Without waiting, he ended the call. I could feel Noah's irritation and fear of me being suspended. But there is this feeling that Daniel would do no such thing. From his behavior these past days, there is something that changed and I have to find the root cause of this sudden change and interest in me. If this is some type of game he is playing, then he will have to pay for hurting me and my friends.

"You ready to go?" Grace asked, as she walked out of the bathroom after getting ready.

As soon as she walked out, I raised an eyebrow at her outfit. Today she went a little extra overdrive with her appearance. The girl, who hated to straighten her, has her hair straighten to perfection. Her outfit makes her look pretty, yet screams sexy.

"Are you trying to impress certain someone?" I asked, placing a hand on my hips.

"What?" She feigned a scowl. "Why would I do that?"

"Then why are you so ready? Straighten your hair; I see makeup on your face?" Sam asked, shocked.

"It's no big deal." Grace defended.

"For anyone else, sure. But you never put make up on."

"Someone is looking pretty for Finn." I teased.

"Shut up." Grace huffed and walked out of the room with me and Sam following behind.

"Come on. Agree that you are all dressed up for Finn." Sam constantly bugged her.

"Grace and Finn sitting under the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love than comes marriage," I said in a sing-song voice.

I was cut off by Grace throwing her bag at me. It hit my stomach. "Uff."

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