Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


It was the date night. Daniel had asked me in school for a date tonight and I was currently freaking out since I had no idea what to wear. He didn't give me any specifications as to where we were going or what we were going to do.

"What about this?" Grace asked, holding a piece of t-shirt in her hand.

"It's too casual." Sam denied.

Since I couldn't figure out what to wear, I had called the girls to help me out. They didn't have anything better to do since the guys were helping Daniel prepare the date.

"What about this one?" Spencer asked, holding a gorgeous red dress. It was sweetheart neckline along with lace sleeves following till my elbows. It appeared to be tight around my waist and flows down till my mid thigh. "It seems like it would look classy as well as casual. Not too much, not too less."

"I think it's perfect." I replied softly. This dress was a gift from Noah on last Christmas.

"Yes." Grace nodded. She suddenly clapped her hands, startling all of us. "Alright. Let's get you ready, shall we?"

Pushing me towards the shower, they insisted me to take a quick shower since they had to do loads of work with my hair and makeup. I had asked them to keep it minimal.

As I walked out of the shower, I was shoved against the chair to sit and they began pulling and poking me. I sat there for around half an hour, before they turned me around to look myself in the mirror.

I gasped at the sight. They had done a marvelous work with my hair and had kept the makeup as I asked; simple and sweet.

"Go change. It's time for him to come." Spencer said in excitement.

I went back into the bathroom and changed. Carefully, I pulled the dress over my head and tried my best not to ruin the hair. The girls had done a very good style with my hair and I didn't want to ruin it. They braided it at the side of my face with few bangs covering my eyes.

I heard the sound of doorbell downstairs and slamming of my bedroom door shut. I figured the girls went down to greet Daniel.

I stepped out and found Sam waiting for me. She smiled as she saw me. "You look very pretty."

I gave her a shy smile. "Thank you."

She smiled giving me a small nod. A ping went off from her hand. Sam looked down at her phone and a smile lit her face. "Guess it's my cue to leave. Christian is waiting for me."

Giving her a hug and a quick thank you again, I turned to wear my footwear. I didn't particularly like heels so I choose to wear flats which go perfectly with the dress. I gave myself a once over before releasing a deep breath. For some reason I was very nervous and excited at the same time.

"Here goes nothing." I muttered and stepped out to go downstairs.

When I reached the end of the stairs and towards the entrance, I saw Grace, Spencer and Noah huddled towards a blushing Daniel.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known. They all turned towards me and I gave them a questioning look. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. We were just asking about his place of date destination." Spencer said, smirking.

"But he won't tell us," Grace said, giving an accusing glance at Daniel.

"Because it is suppose to be a surprise," Daniel defended. He, then turned towards me and smiled. "You look beautiful."

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